WSESD Independent Budget Review Committee Meeting Minutes


Minutes of the IBRC meeting of 2/8/24 via Zoom

Members Present Jaci Reynolds, Laura Chapman. Maggie Foley, Kristina Naylor
Others Present: Kate O’Connor, Kerry Amidon, Shaun Murphy
Kristina Naylor called the meeting to order at 5:07

The committee discussed the pending legislative changes to Act 127, and the challenges for the district with the removal of the 5% cap.

The committee reviewed the Guilford tax rate, and on a motion by Laura and seconded by Jaci, the committee unanimously agreed to have Maggie contact Chloe Wexford to try and understand how the reappraisal affects the upcoming tax rate.

The committee agreed to postpone any more work on the report until the legislature had passed the new funding formula and will move to a digital format, or photocopied format for the annual meeting.

On a motion by Maggie seconded by Laura the committee approved the minutes of 2/1 and2/4

On a motion by Maggie, seconded by Laura the committee adjourned at 5:51

Respectfully submitted by Kristina Naylor



Minutes of the IBRC meeting of 2/13/24 at the WRCC Cusick room and via Zoom

Members Present via Zoom Jaci Reynolds, Laura Chapman. Kristina Naylor

Kristina Naylor called the meeting to order at 5:21 when a quorum was convened.

The committee attended the Finance Committee meeting, no business was conducted.

On a motion by Kristina, seconded by Jaci the committee adjourned at 5:49

Respectfully submitted by Kristina Naylor

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