WSESD Board Meeting Minutes – December 10, 2024

● Following a discussion about holding or cancelling the Board Retreat, it was determined to proceed with the Board Retreat on 1/13/24 and have a potluck meal to assist with the containment of expenses.
● Approved EES (Early Education Services) to move forward with the preparation and subsequent submission of their application for funding in the amount of $3,483,623.00 (due 1/6/25).
● To settle on a potential ‘shared read’ for the Board to engage in, a group of three to four Board Members have committed to review suggestions in order to select one to bring to the Board.
● A presentation was given by Dr. Rachel Glickman about Community Schools.

WSESU Board Meeting Agendas

The Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Board will meet in Executive Session at 4:30 PM on Wednesday, December 11. 2024 in the Windham Regional Career Center, Room #198e, 80 Atwood St., Brattleboro, and remotely via Zoom.

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board Meeting Minutes — December 4, 2024

Frank gave an overview of the special education budget for our 10 sites including pre-K. The current draft shows an increase of 5.9% driven by student needs (up $1.1 million). The single largest cost driver is associated with tuition costs for students that we are not able to educate in our schools. In the area of salary and benefits, the cost driver is the increase in health insurance costs.

Tate Erickson and his team have been working hard to refine the budget to be lean and efficient but have capacity for new students moving in. He walked through the number of students as well as staff to student ratios. These numbers are expected to be finalized tomorrow and will be posted. Tate discussed both the ratios for both students in our area schools and those requiring out of district placements.

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes – November 26, 2024

● The Finance Committee reported that they have been meeting to discuss the budget development, specifically reviewing the Elementary and Secondary budget drafts.
● Engaged in a discussion to plan for Teacher Appreciation this school year.
● Discussed the uptick in people reaching out to resources nationwide related to mental health as it relates to injurious language and targeting.
● Began a discussion related to the value of sharing a common read – Board and Administration.

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union School Board Meting Minutes Nov 20, 2024

Public Comment – Martha Noyse of Brattleboro and Jody Normandeau of Dummerston spoke on the current budget process.

Administrative Report – Mark spoke of the upcoming school break. While there will be no school for students next week, Monday and Tuesday will be in-service days with school based professional development as well as meeting and planning time for staff.

Windham Southeast School District Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

Martha Noyes, Brattleboro Resident, asked that the committee to keep in mind the public and engage them as you work through this process. Ms. Noyes encouraged finding ways to offer meeting times to allow the public to be involved considering location to make it more accessible to all. Also Ms. Noyes asked for the budget information be presented in a user friendly format for the public consumption. She feels that all of these efforts could assist in the adoption of the budget when presented at the Annual Meeting

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes November 12, 2024

● The Board reviewed and established the meeting dates between now and the end of the calendar year, making changes to the standard schedule as needed due to the holidays.
● The Board voted to include a report from the WSESU Board on the WSESD Board meeting agendas.
● Issues with the food service company was touched upon. As the food services falls under that WSESU jurisdiction, it will be discussed more at their meeting 11/13/24.
● The meeting dates for the Finance Committee were altered slightly as related to the budget development. They will occur at 5 pm on Tuesday 11/19/24, Monday 11/25/24 and Monday 12/2/24.
● The Board accepted, with regret, the resignation presented.