WSESD – Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes June 5, 2024

WSESD – Personnel Committee
Minutes of June 5, 2024

Meeting at WRCC Cusick Room and via Zoom

Members Present: Anne Beekman, Kerry Amidon, Kim Price, Colleen Savage (via zoom)

CALL TO ORDER: 4:56 PM – Anne Beekman, Chair

The chair reviewed the process of 1% funds with the committee.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept 16 applications for 1% funds from Academy School in the amount of $12,279.96.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept 11 applications for 1% funds from Green Street School in the amount of $8,091.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept 10 applications for 1% funds from Oak Grove School in the amount of $4,336.96.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept eight applications for 1% funds from Putney Central School in the amount of $7,967.79.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept 6 applications for 1% funds from Dummerston School in the amount of $5,514.61.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept 12 applications for 1% funds from Guilford School in the amount of $7,318.62.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept 17 applications for 1% funds from BUHS in the amount of $23,066.78.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept 14 applications for 1% funds from Brattleboro Area Middle School in the amount of $9,651.13.

On a motion by Kim Price the committee moved to accept three applications for 1% funds from WRCC in the amount of $3,794.84.

The committee discussed an incomplete application and determined that it should be returned to administration for further review and possible updating.

The committee reviewed the applications of two potential hires.

On a motion by Kim Price, the committee voted to accept administration’s recommendation to hire April Barns at Green Street and Anthony Minickiello at BUHS.

There being no further business, the committee adjourned at 5:20 PM on a motion by Kerry Amidon.

Respectfully submitted
Kerry Amidon, Clerk

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