Weekend Comedy Series: Sandra Bernhard

Here is Sandra Bernhard performing at the Lhasa Club, in Studio City/Hollywood, CA, in 1984. I did not know that this existed until today.

In 1984, Bernhard was mixing performance art with stand-up, and was attracting attention. The film appears to be one of her one-woman shows, post- King of Comedy but prior to working on her stage production and film “Without You, I’m Nothing.” This has bits from “Without You…” in early forms.

The video contains the timecode rolling along at the bottom of the screen. It doesn’t matter. Her material and music dominate.

One trivia tie to last week’s show with Richard Pryor: Bernhard worked on the Richard Pryor Show.

I saw her once live in DC, where she didn’t really perform so much as take questions from the audience on any topic, responding in her classic manner and taking down hecklers and fools with style.

Bernhard is racy, sarcastic, provocative, and all the usual “You Must Be An Adult To View” warnings will apply.

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