Six UFOs over Brattleboro Vermont Airspace

Shortly after taking off from Brattleboro-West International Airport ( BWI) these ufos ripped by our window. Faster than you could say, “Soyuz Spacelab!”, they were gone.

Experts at the University who have examined the photograph have assured us that this photo was taken while our aircraft was still in Vermont airspace. The same experts have authenticated the photo as genuine.

Comments | 6

  • Windy Shoulders



    Strangely enough, this orbject landed downtown while I was visiting recently. People didn’t seem too ruffled by it.

    • Hmmmmm

      I hope you had a good time in Chicago. Did you leave from BWI as well ?

      How long did the craft stay on the ground before taking off? Or, was it damaged by the crash ? I am not convinced, by the way, that this is the same craft that we saw. But still, it is a great photo.

      They seem mesmerized by it, as though they can’t move away from the object. I find that somewhat disturbing.

    • Deleted by NSA

      Deleted by NSA

  • The first time I looked at

    The first time I looked at this I thought there was a shark out side the window -then quickly realized it was another air borne vehicle of some sort.
    Although a shark at 30,000 feet would have put this in a whole different category…

  • Citizen Journalism at its best

    I am not going to guess why, but I want to point out that our local 4th Estate is avoiding this important news story. If it were not for citizen-journalist Rolf, and, these events would have been completely ignored.

  • UFOs Aliens & Angels

    They say that when one person in the family sees a UFO it’s generational. The more I dive into UFO abductions…The hair on the back of my neck stands up, and instantly I wonder. Most of the stories that I have read it has happened while people were driving with a blink of an eye.
    I saw my first UFO on the busy highway with a friend in California, I also wondered how many others seen this considering he seen it as well. It was the longest two minutes of my life staring at this over large shaped object as if the moon was right in front of my face. Confused by this I thought it was first a helicopter shining it’s bright light looking for someone, nope. Then I thought maybe it’s an airplane flying over let me just wait, nope I looked deeper into it and noticed the shadow around the glowing moon like light, and then I saw a little tiny colors Circle and eachother and then I gasped. I saw my first UFO up close. Or was it spying on me. I have been asking and asking for answers I’ve also wondered if I have had UFO abductions. They say there are clues, like as if when you’re sleeping certain dreams facilities schools, I have had these and they made me wonder.
    Fast forward to a few years in the future Dolores Cannon was my saving grace I was looking into UFO Abductions and wandered into her teachings. How she was a Hypnotherapist and how she accidentally stumbled across a UFO abduction and one of her sessions, this was groundbreaking at the time and so she took it as deep as she could go find out there was more than what we see and remember.
    There are ways to find out thankfully thanks to QHHT, BQHTA, AURA we now have the modalities to go deeper into our subconscious and find out the true answers without fear.
    The concept of extraterrestrials in contact with extraterrestrials does not scare me anymore. I have learned about alien races, have heard messages transmissions from them and now life is just gotten a little more exciting. There’s so many people that have the stories it is time that we come and speak about them and share them. Mine sounds a bit extraordinary but my alien abduction or alien adjustment happened while I was having a suicidal episode and was in a coma for three days at the age of 16. It wouldn’t be until I was in my late 30s that I would get the answers that I needed. And now what a wonderful world it is and universe!
    Check out Rising Phoenix Aurora, on YouTube check out her alien playlist, check out Dolores Cannon, and check out Alba Weinman on YouTube they have for nominal extra terrestrial stories and lives of people live in these lives.

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