iBrattleboro and The State of Local News Startups

As a long-time reader and occasional contributor to iBrattleboro, I’m interested in the changes in contribution levels and types over the years. These days the site seems to have a larger proportion of announcements and less original content/commentary than when it started.

If I’m right about this, I’m wondering about the causes of the trend.

Perhaps Facebook has captured more of the local mesaging than used to be the case?

Perhaps, now that it’s easier to find non-local online content/discussion on topics people are passionate about, locals spend less time on local issues?

The following survey might be interesting. Eighty hyperlocal publishers representing 94 sites responded to the survey, conducted on Michele’s List, a database of sites that is produced in collaboration with the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism.

The 2015 State of Local News Startups

What do people think?

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