Dear BFC

My Dear Bratt Foo Coo,

Thank you, ever so much, for the fresh, local, organic tortillas.  I walked into the store this evening and was truly delighted.  Dinner transported me back to a tortilla shop in a little village in Central México, an elderly woman in the background making them by hand.  A good tortilla has a taste like a drink of fresh water from a gurgling spring. 

And thank you, by the way, also goes out to the Supreme Court of México for continuing to ban genetically engineered corn from being grown in their country.  Not that this has anything to do with my dinner, just giving credit where credit is due here.

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  • The smell of them cooking, too

    One of the more popular activities at the Capital Children’s Museum back in the day was the “make your own tortilla” exhibit in the village area sponsored by the Mexican Embassy.

    Kids would come into a little hut, crush corn with a mortar, make it into paste, spread it out into tortilla shapes, then cook them, with the help of museum staff. Then they got something to nibble on.

    The small wafted about the museum, and other staff frequently stopped in… you know, to check on things… make sure everything was going well there. “Oh, may I have one? Okay, back to work…” : )

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