Brattleboro Senior Meals Weekly Menu – June 20 to June 24

Brattleboro Senior Meals Menu June 20 to June 24


June 20 -Pea Soup

Egg Salad Sandwich

Pineapple Cole Slaw



June 21 – American Chop Suey

Brussel Sprouts

Carrot & Turnip

Grapenut Custard


June 22- Salad Bar


Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cheese

Mexican Rice, Corn Salad



June 23 – Brunch For Lunch

Eggs, Bacon/Sausage

Pancakes, Home Fries,

Tossed Salad, Melon Salad

Assorted Pastries


June 24 – Seafood Salad Roll

Toss N Turn Salad

Raspberry Beets

Tropical Fruit


Seniors 60 and over we ask for a $3.50 donation  All others a charge of $6.00 Meals start at Noon to 12:30 pm

All are welcome. For further information call BSC @ 802-257-1236

Comments | 3

  • New foods...

    Some interesting things on these menus…

    Pineapple cole slaw!

    Grape nut custard?

    Toss n Turn Salad?

    They all sound good, but I’ve never seen them on menus… : )

  • A custard by any other name..

    These menus always bring me immediately back to my childhood home – some of these “old style’ dishes made me happy to run home for supper – others made me sit at the table all by myself- determined not to finish whatever I had deemed disgusting. I’m assuming grapenut custard is the same as grapenut pudding- a dessert staple in our house and very ‘custard like”. They also used to serve it at the Woolworth’s luncheonette counters with a tiny dollop of whipped cream. It was one of those desserts my siblings and I would eat if there wasn’t any other offering.
    Pineapple coleslaw! One of my favorite ways to make coleslaw. The sweetness of slivers of fresh pineapple compliments the tang of the coleslaw. It can also be made caliente’ by adding some crushed red pepper, a little lime juice and a teensy pinch of ginger. I’m pretty sure there’s no “heat” being added to it at the Senior Center. 🙂

    • food glorious food

      The menus also remind me of school lunch menus. I can picture little boxes of milk.

      I’ll have to try the pineapple coleslaw. I like slaw and pineapple, so mixing them makes sense. I’ll try the hot version, too. That sounds delicious.

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