Brattleboro Area Hospice Invites All to Annual Memorial Planting Service

On Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 4:00 pm, Brattleboro Area Hospice will host its 18th Annual Memorial Planting Service. The event will take place at the Hospice Memorial Garden located at Living Memorial Park on Guilford Street in Brattleboro. The public is encouraged to attend.

The community is invited to join together to honor and remember loved ones who have died by planting flowers, painting memorial messages on stones to be placed in the garden, and by listening to the music of the Hallowell singers.

Individuals are encouraged to bring friends and loved ones with them. This activity is informal and we recommend that participants wear casual clothing and footwear. Children are encouraged to attend as this service can be an especially meaningful experience for them, but they should be accompanied by a responsible adult. Tools, plants and supplies for making memorial stones will be provided. Limited seating will be made available for those who need it.

As the event will take place outside we have scheduled a rain date for Tuesday, June 2nd at 5:00 pm. If in question, call 257-0775 and press 4 at the prompt for an update. A cancellation message will be available after 2:00 on the day of the event.

A reading of names honoring those who died in the previous year will take place. To add a loved one’s name to this list or for other questions about the service please contact Connie Baxter, Brattleboro Area Hospice Bereavement Coordinator at (802) 257-0775 ext. 104 or email

Brattleboro Area Hospice is an independent, community-based, non-profit volunteer organization that provides grassroots, volunteer-staffed programs to supplement and provide alternatives to the professional services utilized by dying and grieving community members. Hospice is locally funded and provides services free of charge. Hospice is located at 191 Canal Street in Brattleboro. 802-257-0775. Visit

To register for this free event please contact Connie Baxter, Brattleboro Area Hospice Bereavement Coordinator at (802) 257-0775 ext. 104 or email

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