When Should I Stop Updating COVID Regional Dashboards?

Are the daily summaries still useful to you? The numbers are going down in general, but they aren’t at zero and new variants are making their way through the system. When should I stop summarizing the data?

I was thinking that perhaps if we hit zero cases in Vermont for 5 days in a row, that could be a signal to call it quits. But NH still has a pretty high transmission rate (around 3%), and MA isn’t at zero yet, either though their numbers have impressively declined.

What say ye? Let me know what you’d like…

Comments | 2

  • Forward

    I’d like to see the stats thru the Summer. It’s not just useful data for reference now, but it will be a record of this time in Bratt and in general, NE history.

  • Keep it up

    Not sure what guidelines to suggest, but I’d like to see stats for a while longer. Appreciate that you’ve provided so far.

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