Free Talk and Open House at Our Energy Efficient Straw Bale Home on Saturday

Over the last five years or so – through open houses, tours, and educational events – hundreds of members of the Brattleboro Community have visited our home under construction in West Brattleboro. We are once again opening it to the public in hopes of sharing our journey, learning from visitors and sharing what we know about local and natural materials, energy-efficient building practices, and working in the building field.

Please join us on Saturday, October 26!

490 Akley Road, Brattleboro

There will be a talk starting at 10 am:

     Designing, Building, and Living in our Modern Natural Home

Followed by an open house from 11am – 2pm

Come for the talk, or drop in and take a look around. Builder and homeowner Chad Mathrani of Vermont Natural Homes looks forward to discussing energy efficient building options and natural, local materials. He loves talking about building and will be happy to answer questions about any part of the process, from financing to finish options.

He is also happy to discuss employment opportunities in the building field with anyone considering that option. This may be a great opportunity for a young person considering options for their future to learn a little about this exciting and changing industry, or for anyone looking to change careers to hear what it is all about.

Some features of our home:

Energy efficient
– Insulated with straw and cellulose
– Uses 1 – 2 cords of wood per year

Natural Materials
– Minimally processed, low embodied energy

Locally produced and locally purchased Materials
– Supports local economy
– Reduces carbon footprint

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