LCD Projector Repair Near Brattleboro?

Is there any place locally that can repair an LCD projector?  Ours at the Humane Society is on the fritz, and we definitely don’t have the funds to replace it.  If it makes any difference it is an IBM M400.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Comments | 3

  • Can anyone donate a new one?

    That’s a rather old model.

    Perhaps a wonderful, pet-loving reader or two would be willing to buy a new projector instead. Something nice could be found for a few hundred dollars.

    Note to retiring electricians at VY: please start an electronics repair business!

  • Does it just need a new bulb?

    Does it just need a new bulb? If so, I can try to find a cheap replacement on eBay or Amazon

    • Not the bulb

      Unfortunately, that’s not it. The motor smokes and smells like burning when you turn it on. Not good!

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