Ayurvedic Practitioner Recommendations?

Would really appreciate recommendations for an ayurvedic pratitioner. Brattleboro area preferred, but will travel anywhere in New England to get excellent care. It would be a big plus to find an ayurvedic practioner who accepts Medicare. 

In addition to the recommendation, it would be particularly valuable to understand why you have made a particular recommendations.


Comments | 4

  • More info?

    Pardon my ignorance, but what makes a practitioner “ayurvedic?” Is it something specific they hang on their shingle, so to speak, or is it part of wider training? How would one know?

  • Ayurveda

    I am an Ayurvedic practitioner, newly moved to Brattleboro. Ayurvedic Medicine is the traditional medical system of India. It is a complete system of medicine with a 5000 year history. Through its diagnostic system, a unique recommendation of exercise, food choices, herbs, massage, and other lifestyle changes for you. I also am a licensed acupuncturist, and a yoga therapist. I do not have a website set up yet, but you can contact me at jerry@greenmountainayurveda.com for more information. I see clients on a sliding scale fee. Thank you for your interest in Ayurveda.
    Jerry Landau

    • Thank you, Jerry

      … for an concise but enlightening explanation about Ayurvedic medicine. I look forward to seeing the the upcoming launch of your website, and hope that when that happens you will post an announcement.

      I was asking about ayurvedic practitioners for a friend, so I may be contacting you directly with questions that she may have. She does not use the internet, so if you could provide a telephone number, she might prefer to speak directly with you.


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