Brattleboro In-Town Toy Drive?

Does anyone know if there are any toy drives going on around Bratt this year?

Comments | 10

  • Dr. Fagelson and his wife

    Dr. Fagelson and his wife still organize one, I believe. I’ve sponsored kids through their program for the past few years. You can call them and get a child’s wish list.

  • Marines

    There was a sign downtown for a Marines Toy Drive, on Main across from Flat.

    • The Marine toy drive has been

      The Marine toy drive has been around for a long time and they do good work. But, the toys collected through their drive go to kids all over the country. This is also a good thing but if you are interested in providing toys for local families the Fagelsons work with local social service agencies and with area schools to put together a list of kids who could use some special TLC this holiday season.You can choose a specific age group and gender or simply take a wish list for a child who needs help the most. In the past pre teen and teen kids have been the group that often gets forgotten in lieu of younger kids.

      • Local

        When there is a local alternative, and a choice that one can make, I like to see preference given to the local option. Must be that bumpersticker about thinking globally but acting locally. Or liking to see all of us here do better.

        • Agreed !

          I like this local toy drive for several reasons; you get the actual letter to “santa” that the individual kids have written- some of them are heartbreaking for the few things they ask for or that many of the kids ask for warm clothes or gifts for their Moms. They don’t have a cut off age – most of the larger toy drives have a cut off age of 12 or so; it’s the teens who get overlooked. And you actually get to wrap your gifts and put gift tags on for each child. I liked being able to pick out fun wrapping paper and ribbons and make them all different so each child knows it was chosen just for him or her. You don’t have to provide everything on the wish lists but I have tried to get them most of what they asked for and then a couple of extra surprises.
          There are millions of people who need many different types of help all over the world and I think most people help as much as they can. It’s also important to remember that there are people in our own town who are in need of our help, too. Sometimes just a bag of new toys or warm pjs makes a huge difference.

  • Valgar Street fire

    Wanted to let people know that new toys are being collected by the owner of ” Love It Twice” a wonderful children’s consignment and resale shop on Putney Road in the old Curves location. There are many kids whose families were displaced from this fire and they lost everything. Lots of different ages so if you contact the store or check their FB page you can find out the genders and ages of the kids who need help to have a Merry Christmas. The owner’s name is Leigh Ann and she is always one of the first people to jump in and help any local families that are going through hard times. The number for the store is:
    802- 490- 2160.

    • Love It Twice

      I’ve seen this store lead charity drives for so many town tragedies’ victims. Good on them!

      • They are very community

        They are very community oriented. A great business to have in town. I’m dropping toys off for some of the kids in the Valgar St fires this weekend. I hope other folks do the same.

  • Clark/Canal

    I know the C/C Assn. has had a Santa give gifts to the local kids in years past, is it still happening?

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