Noticed Around Brattleboro – Spring 2024 Edition

A place to make note of little things you see in and around Brattleboro, such as:

  • New bigger stronger electric poles going in along Rt 30 between the Retreat farm area and the bakery.
  • Work taking apart the motel in West B continues.
  • Potholes! Some are so big the Rec & Parks Department will begin maintaining them as swimming pools.

Comments | 12

  • The former 7/11 in West Bratt.

    The empty 7/11 building in West Brattleboro has banners over its windows announcing a new grocery store opening.

  • Shakey Ground

    Earthquake in NJ felt in Brattleboro and surrounding areas on April 5.


    Former Duo restaurant has brown paper over the windows, hinting at something new inside coming, perhaps.

  • Moon blocks Sun

    Partial eclipse today… about 96-98% of totality. No need to drive north to see the 100%!

  • Downtown

    Big colorful acronym attached to the TD Bank building. A bit odd, but sort of nice, too.

    Brooks House first floor stores/shops seem fully rented now.

  • Sportsman's Lounge to be Demolished

    Sign, now taken down, on Sporty’s on Canal St announced that the building will be demolished on Aug 1. Today, workers were doing some work on the building, perhaps in preparation for the demolition.

    • About friggin' time, eh?

      That should be a plus for the neighborhood – either fix it up and use it, or tear it down and make way for something better.

      In my humble opinion…. : )

  • Coronal

    Although a bit cloudy, Brattleboro could see bits of the aurora borealis through the haze. I saw blue and green and red colors, and enough light coming from the north to think there was a major city somewhere up there all of a sudden.

  • InstaGreen

    It seemed like we went from stick to leaf with hardly a bud stage this year. All the wetness? I don’t know, but it’s quite full and lush here in West B.

  • Looks like they are getting close to completing work on

    Looks like they are getting close to completing work on the big barn (and electric poles) at Retreat Farm Cheese Factory. ; )

  • Barn fence down

    The fence is down at the Retreat farm barn that’s been worked on for the last year or so. The front door looks really nice. Looks like they have some hanging lights inside.

    Electric pole work still underway as they move lines from old poles to new ones.

    People out paddling about in the waterways around town.

    Groundbreaking for new Amtrak station happens this month.

  • A rumor!

    Heard a rumor that Chelsea Royal will be open before the end of the month…

  • Squeeze in a bit more before summer...

    The re-branding at Retreat Farm continues – new signage up recently to replace the departing Grafton cheese thing.

    We’re about to get a week or so of upper 90 degree weather.

    It – seems- like there are more insects this year than last year. But maybe I’m just out a bit more. : )

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