Lest We Forget

My original film “deceptions” has now become part of a Deceptions Trilogy. That first film was released in 2010 and the second, deceptionsTwo, “Lest We Forget” was uploaded to my You Tube Channel last week and the third, deceptionsThree,”What Can I Do?,” is in gestation. This channel has now received over 180,000 views, not viral but very respectable.

My latest work, “Lest We Forget,” is a grim documentary that chronicles American war crimes and atrocities that compare if not EXCEED those carried out by Hitler and his fellow Nazi’s and the exaggerated hype that surrounds the War on Terror. Please take 28 minutes to watch these war clips and investigative reports. In 6 days well over 8,000 others have.

As I organize my thoughts for my final film in the Deceptions Trilogy I cannot help but question the leaders of every major religion and all of their parishioners and say … HUH?

I make no religious distinction here because in my mind you are all guilty of Gross and Willful Blindness. When moral leadership is desperately needed by every human being on the planet – our politicians, our journalists, our lawyers, our judges, our news broadcasters, our teachers and our clergy turn a blind eye to thousands of deformed babies and children born from Agent Orange or DU (depleted uranium) bombs that is continuing to this day.

Eyes remain widely shut to Presidents who lie repeatedly on television, who develop “Kill Lists” or allow police brutality and suppression on a scale comparable to the gestapo. You see corporations pollute and rape the earth, exploit the poor, milk the government and control the media with complete impunity.

How can men and women of the cloth or any human being who professes to be close to God, look in the mirror and be proud of who or is it what, you see? I would like to hear from you. How do you justify such silence, such apathy?

Hitler and the Holocaust should have taught us that doing nothing has a consequence.

It is no wonder that our nation’s youth are abandoning our churches and our voting booths in droves – they see an evil and entrenched criminal elite and no way out, no future. I recently saw them lined up around the block at the Latchis Theatre to watch “The Hunger Games,” a movie that depicts a totalitarian elite forcing some poor young people to become gladiators in an annually televised and greatly hyped death-match.

Suzanne Collins the author of the book behind this film stated that the concept came to her as Reality TV and the Iraq Invasion converged and became one.



Comments | 1

  • A riveting and compelling indictment

    This half hour program is a riveting and compelling indictment of one of the most destructive forces in nature: Man.

    Humans have such a callous regard for life that we are the only planetary animal that is deserving of the title – the most dangerous animal. No life-form is safe where humans reside, including ourselves.

    Yet, Chris Pratt includes some humor in this film to help keep a reality check. If you can’t learn from crying, maybe you’ll learn from laughing.

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