The Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem

The Palestinian problem has been an enormous thorn in the relations between Israel and the greater world. This has prevented a capable Western styled government from bringing the full fruits of its democracy to the Middle East. With the constant niggling and debate of rights, it is time for Israel to assert its full historic right to the full and final occupation of Greater Israel from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River to Lebanon and south to Sinai. We can stop the illusion and fantasy of a Palestinian state in the West Bank. Historically, this land was Israel, with stretches of time occupied by every power in the region. Though we had a period of Diaspora and left the area for two thousand years does it matter whether it was two days or two thousand years? Of course not. It is now time to fully reclaim this land and come to a final solution to the Palestinian problem. The moral clarity of this solution will shatter any sentimental notions

Though one can object to some “final solutions” previously, there were merits to it. Ironically, Germany’s final solution, allowed for the creation of the state of Israel, and Adolf Hitler may have inadvertently done more for Jews than Herzog. Though it is easy to condemn Hitler, there was a grain of clarity to his final solution. Israel needs to stop depending on the United States for $3 billion dollars annually and to stop spending 45% of its GNP on military. We need to use this money to really bring back the garden of Eden. Before the creation of the state of Israel, the area was farms, fishing enterprises, and some minor industries, a backwards society that lived for generations tending the land. It was only when Israel took over that we took the archaic farms and made them into modern agribusiness, created arms industries, one of the worlds largest armies, and yes, a very capable nuclear weapons systems. It is time to rip off the veil of this illusion. Israel is the most powerful army in the Middle East and the sooner it takes the necessary and, albeit politically awkward public relations problem of the Palestinians, the sooner we can get on with fulfilling the prophecies.

Gaza can be a beautiful beach-front resort once Israel relocates Hamas to Somalia or Sudan. The Zionist homeland has worked diligently to get the world to see that this so called National Liberation Movement is in reality a terrorist organization and that all of our actions to wipe out this scourge are a blessing for Israel and all peace loving democracies. Not all Gazans need to leave, there are many positions available in the service industry where we will need manpower, but maintaining absolute fealty to the fatherland — Israel. Between the genius of Israelis and labor of loyal Palestinians is a perfect solution.

All Palestinians who choose not to become citizens of Israel, of course not full citizens, since full citizenship requires conversion to Judaism, but a limited citizenship in the way that Black Jews and other Palestinians have been incorporated into Israeli, would be shown the door to Jordan. In the way that the US uses illegal aliens, Israel needs people to work the farms, wait on tables, and do the necessary manual labor. Of course, like with the talented tenth, the extraordinary Palestinians who accept the notion of an Uber Israeli Jewish state can be part of the great Zionist state. After all, most Muslims in the region were Jews forcibly converted to that Mohammed or Christian thing. Those who chose not to participate in this great democracy will be removed to Jordan which is already sixty percent Palestinian. This would also provide a great opportunity for the people who claim displacement in Lebanon to reunite with their families and that solves the Right of Return. Our vision of a pure homeland that allows for democracy and security to flourish in the context of a Jewish state is a logical conclusion: Wouldn’t you agree?

Though the removal will initially be traumatic the final solution in greater Israel will allow for unprecedented opportunities for Palestinians in Jordan or other countries in the Middle East. Unless there is the preposterous notion of Palestinians having their own fully functioning independent state in the West Bank and Gaza? Two state solution of Palestine and Israel, or choice of an Uber Israeli Jewish state? The choice is clear.

Comments | 21

  • Pesky Arabs

    Well said. We have to get rid of those pesky Arabs. ארץ ישראל איבער אַלץ

    • Yiddish

      Just to set the record straight, the words written in Hebrew script are actually Yiddish, and would sound something like “Eretz (greater) Israel über alles.”

    • Read Carefully

      It is satire, and points to the bitter racist policies of my fellow Jews in Israel

  • I'm sure they'd agree...

    ” Adolf Hitler may have inadvertently done more for Jews than Herzog.”

    I’m sure there are 6 million Jews who would agree with you – if only they had not been exterminated.

  • Jukrislims - The Scent-Markers

    No, I would not “agree” that Namaya’s proposed “solutions” of:: absolute fealty to the fatherlands, final solutions, fulfilling someone else’s prophecies, conversion to a religion (Judaism) as a requirement for full citizenship, forced relocation programs, a culture of loyal and demeaning labor, a democratic pure homeland – are solutions at all. I would see them as manifestation of a form of collective mental-illness, however.

    I have never subscribed to, or supported, the continuation of any patriarchal supervision of our peoples and the other living things on the planet we all must share.

    I despise the father-centered family and community, and see the term “Fatherland” as one of the most offensive views humans can promulgate. (I’m not referring to the narrow reign of Hitler here, but the 5000+ year history of the Jukrislims.)

    Human life can only reach a greater peace and prosperity when the Big Three (Jew, Christian and Muslim) patriarchal religions (and all patriarchal religions) are relegated to the stuff of mythology. Not as a “final solution” because there is no such thing. But a necessary means to get this awful collective of combative, mentally ill and dangerous believers of the last 1700 years behind us.

    This is too complicated to think that in this space any one answer or comment will suffice, and certainly not in the context of a so-called “final solution.”

    However, I have seen reported that there is a correlation between the more intelligent a person is the more likely they will not be religious and belief-dependent (my mentioning this is not meant to be taken as an absolute).

    The Jews have no more claims to land and water territories than any other nation-state, regardless of their historical perspective. We are surely one of Earths animals but we are not merely “scent-markers.”

    Human beings are the ultimate shame of this planet. Namaya is just one of its worst manifestations. I can assure him the Palestinians do not see themselves as a “politically awkward public relations problem.”

  • A Historically Substance-Free Topic

    Look at the 1946 U.N. Mandate–which called for Jerusalem to be a U.N. protectorate (possibly the first one)–and look how far the Israelis exceeded it and make no mistake, every neighboring Arab country had a problem with that excessiveness and a serious war breaks out in 1948.

    I have no issue with an Israel state, but the cost to the Palestinians is another 20th century tragedy that now extends to the 21st century and quite easily beyond.

    While one could easily begin earlier than WWI, the promise of an Arab super-nation was made by the British (via T.E. Lawrence) and, when circumstances changed amongst the Western colonial powers, they kept breaking promises to both sides until the world became East v West after WWII and alliances were made accordingly. All in the Middle East can point to one grievance or another due to the failure of the SuperPowers Du Jour to actually act on their words. The U.S. regularly condemns Israeli every time there’s further settlements, and there’s no consequences. Mossad–perhaps two years ago–perpetrates an extraordinary assassination in Dubai involving some 12-20 people using passports from all sorts of Western in countries, taking out Hamas’ #1 weapons suppliers. The misuse of the passports is condemned, and there’s no consequences.

    The best thing that happened was Carter’s Camp David accord. Israel and Egypt aren’t tangling with each other anytime soon.

    The worst thing that has happened is the state of the Arab slums in Israel.

    I don’t have a solution, but a two-state solution when one state is divided into two physical regions rarely stands. I need only cite the Danzig Corridor issue in the 1930s. The only exception I can think of is Kaliningrad in Russia (formerly Koenigsburg of Prussia), nested on the Baltic and quite physically separate from Russia, but it’s only 700K so it’s mostly an administrative chore.

    • realistic and humane solution

      For a realistic and humane solution, visit this blog:

      “This blog is dedicated to tearing down the separation wall and transforming the Israeli apartheid system into a secular democracy, where Israelis and Palestinians will live as equal citizens. As an Israeli that was raised on the Zionist ideal of a Jewish state, I know how hard it is for many Jews and Palestinians to let go of the dream of having a state that is exclusively “our own.” The articles, the stories and the pictures in this blog are meant to make a single point: For the good of both nations, the Separation Wall must come down, the Israeli control over the lives of Palestinians must be defied so that a secular democracy where all Israelis and Palestinian live as equals be established in our shared homeland.
      The State of Israel today is governed in a way that cannot be sustained, where the two nations it governs, Israelis and Palestinians are used and abused and it is a state of affairs that should not be tolerated: Half of the population is governed by a radical Zionist regime that sees the struggle for control over the land as a zero sum game, and the other half of the population is governed by the security forces of this Zionist regime; one nation ruling over another while controlling of the land and its resources. It is a reality where half of the population lives in what it thinks is a Western democracy while keeping the other half imprisoned by a ruthless defense apparatus that is becoming more violent by the day.
      In my book, “The General’s Son, Journey of an Israeli in Palestine” I show how it is that the son of an Israeli General and a staunch Zionist came to these realizations. Realizing that your side of the story is not the only side to the story, and then accepting rather than fighting this realization and in the end finding that the story upon which I was raised, was a lie – now that is an interesting journey.”

  • Caveat

    Is this the same Namaya who wrote and stated a few times that he would not worship with fellow Quakers in our group, which is kindly and hospitably hosted by Shir he Harim (the Brattleboro Jewish Center), because of Israel’s onerous policies toward the Palestinian Arabs?

    Most of the time I really dislike sarcasm, because it usually involves telling out-and-out lies. This is the perfect case in point, because the writer escapes evaluation and criticism for his true points of view by “sarcastically” adopting the ones that he objects to.

    The danger is that people who don’t know this writer will take him as seconding and approving Israeli policies that discriminate against, oppress, and confine the Arabs in Palestine, and whose end result is ultimately to displace them from their lands … over 500 Palestinian cities, towns, and villages have been emptied of Arabs and ultimately taken over or destroyed by such Israeli policies.

    The problem lies in this false syllogism:

    All peoples have a national home, a country
    The Jewish people exist
    Therefore Israel is the national home of the Jewish people

    This precise point is the bone of contention between Israelis and Palestinians trying to come up with peace accords.

    Israel styles itself a democracy. And indeed in Israel practically any political point of view can be openly discussed, and usually (not always) without much fear of reprisals.

    Students of political science, however, will note that Israel lacks some features of democracies as we understand them. No constitution, for example. No universal suffrage. Features and policies of a theocracy, rather than a democracy. It boils down to frequently adopting exclusion rather than inclusion. In economic terms, it also equates to having an underclass that serves as a pool of cheap labor, while being segregated from the community and political life of the nation, even to the extent of having segregated highways and “separation walls” to wholly divide the country.

    Namaya, despite his sarcastic approach, makes a good point in that Palestinian Arabs living within Israel are not fully enfranchised – are “second class citizens”. Given the illogic of the above syllogism, one can handily (and many do) argue whether they are citizens at all, since it implicitly defines Israel in an ethnically and/or religously exclusive manner. But there are those in Israel and among her supporters who would adopt precisely the lines of logic contained in Namaya’s sarcastic essay (above).

    Sarcasm has been called “the lowest form of humor”. and I would argue that it’s sometimes not at all humorous. While it is mildly interesting that Namaya can spout the rhetoric of those with whom he most vehemently disagrees, in effect he is succeeding in spreading some of the memes of paranoid fear that are loading the political situation in the middle east. Especially in circles who don’t understand his counter-propagandistic tactics, he runs the risk of being misinterpreted — on all sides of the question.

    Therefore, in my opinion, it’s an unwise tactic. And ironically, in terms of his probable intentions, Namaya’s rhetoric here actually reinforces the assumptions and premises that have led to the current lamentable, misreable situation.

    • Israel is only a democracy if you are Jewish

      Israel is only a democracy if you a white European Jew. If you are black or a Palestinian Israeli your rights are even further diluted.

      BTW IT is satire, not sarcasm. A big difference.

  • Satire, irony and social criticism

    This is a brilliant ironic essay! I repeat, brilliant. The classic of course is Jonathan Swift’s “A modest proposal,” where he suggests that the solution to poverty and overpopulation in 18th century Ireland is to kill the children of poor families and serve their meat as a delicacy to the nobility of Ireland.

    I see Mr Wilmerding’s point about sarcasm, but on the other hand, sarcasm,irony, or satire—however you want to put it—can be a quite sophisticated and effective means of critique. (think Mark Twain)

  • Choose a section for your story

    Namaya’s piece was submitted under Opinion “Op/Ed.” Hundreds or more people can potentially read the various articles on this site. It is true that if a reader is not familiar with the writer’s “tactics,” they can take the content to be a serious (?) article, though not all Op/Ed’s are serious in nature.

    I checked the submission page under “Choose a section for your story.” Most readers see the author’s name as a “handle” not necessarily their real name. Maybe Chris could add a section for “satire/humor/sarcasm/irony” or something like that?

    • I agree, Vidda that

      I agree, Vidda that statements this potentially inflammatory should be listed as satire -if, in fact, that it what they are intended to be. When I initially began to read this I was so horrified by the context of the post that I did double check to see exactly what category it had been submitted under. Maybe i’m just not as “hip” as some of the other readers who identified this as satire but-much like in print newspaper when someone writes something on the op-ed page I assume they are making their opinions known. Regardless of whether this is Namaya’s true opinion or is “brilliant” satire I find the post disturbing. There’s a big difference in Swift’s writings and this suggestion that Palestinians are only good for servitude and that Hitler helped the Jews.

      Nothing brilliant or witty about those kinds of statements.

      • this might help

        I looked into this a little further and it appears that Namaya based his satire on an essay written by James Petras. just a hunch…

        • Petras

          If Namaya did crib it from Petras – which seems likely – I quote this from Wikipedia on Petras;

          In a 2006 article entitled “9/11 Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Still Abound,” the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) criticized Petras’s assertion that there was evidence that Israelis may have known about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks but withheld the information from the United States government. The ADL also noted Petras’ assertion that “The lack of any public statement concerning Israel’s possible knowledge of 9/11 is indicative of the vast, ubiquitous and aggressive nature of its powerful diaspora supporters.”[12][13]

          In a 2009 article, the ADL again criticized Petras, alleging that he blamed the on-going economic crisis on “Zionist” control over the U.S. government and world events, and alleged that Petras argued that pro-Israel Americans had launched a massive campaign to push the U.S. into a war with Iran. The ADL also alleged that Petras’ allegations included the anti-Semitic accusation that the American Jewish community controls the mass media and is “bloodthirsty” in its appetite for war.[14] The previous year, Petras alleged that that “It was the massive infusion of financial contributions that allowed the [Zionist Power Configuration] (ZPC) to vastly expand the number of full-time functionaries, influence peddlers and electoral contributors that magnified their power – especially in promoting US Middle East wars, lopsided free trade agreements (in favor of Israel) and unquestioned backing of Israeli aggression against Lebanon, Syria and Palestine…No economic recovery is possible now or in the foreseeable future…while Zionist power brokers dictate US Mideast policies.[15][16]

          The ADL also cited a 2008 interview in which Petras stated that [U.S.] presidents are at the disposal of “Jewish power” [17] and maintained, according to the ADL, that Jews represent “the greatest threat to world peace and humanity.”[18] In the same 2008 interview cited by the ADL, Petras stated that “it’s one of the great tragedies that we have a minority that represents less than 2% of North American’s population but has such power in the communications media” and that the reason “why the North American public doesn’t react against the manipulations of this minority…[is] because the Jews control the communications media.”[19] In an 2010 article published in the Arab American News, Petras stated that “For the U.S. mass media the problem is not Israeli state terror, but how to manipulate and disarm the outrage of the international community. To that end the entire Zionist power configuration has a reliable ally in the Zionized Obama White House and U.S. Congress.”[20]

  • Offensive Post

    I feel like I need to take a shower after reading this post.

    It is posts like this that make the tiny Jewish population of Northern New England uneasy about their future and their lives. Obviously the term “final solution” – used by the Nazi’s to describe their intent to eradicate Jews from Europe was used with no consideration for the Holocaust survivors and their families that live in our midst.

    I suspect the writer is fully cognizant that HAMAS, of which he is so fond – is a brutal terrorist organization, killing whatever Palestinians, Muslims, Christians and Jews it wishes. Its policy toward the LGBT community is akin to that of Uganda – something I have not seen the OP have any objection to. If a Palestinian State is created, the writer seems to have no problem with their announced policy that it will be “Jew-free”. Exactly like what the Nazi’s wanted for Europe. I haven’t seen Mr. Namaya object to the Holocaust denial of HAMAS nor has he analyzed that even the West Bank Palestinians opposed this recent war, admittedly started by HAMAS.

    So lets talk about “final solution” from the perpective a a Jew living in the Brattleboro area. As I am sure Mr. Namaya knows, HAMAS not only has its primary objective the second Holocaust of all Jews in Israel – but has said it is at war with all Jews everywhere. That means me and my fellow Jews in the Brattleboro area. if we are attending synagogue in Brattleboro and it is bombed to the ground and all tose therein killed, I doubt the OP would shed a tear.

    Calling this bitterly hateful screed ( Hitler did more for the Jews….) “satire” is a lame device to put forward the writers hateful message. I am disappointed that iBrattleboro would print something this vile – I have no intention of replying to anything in this thread or even reading anything else on it. The writer should take it down.

    • Please Go Away!

      It is this never ending infighting between you testosteronic Jukrislims that is killing our planet. When will we ever see the end of all of you vicious patriarchs so that the preciousness of life can return to normal again.

      • Agree/disagree

        While I disagree with your disdain for all matters religious ( but do as you like) and I diasgree with your language – I do agree that this thread should be removed by the moderator. I asked that Namaya take it down, but clearly he has not done so. In fact, after it died down a while ago – he revived it a SECOND TIME.

        I suppose that if a parallel essay were written about blacks or gays or women, using language particularly meant to be offensive to them – it would have never have been allowed. So, OK, I guess it is OK to talk about how wonderful Hitler was for the Jews.

        • 3 hours later…when I am…

          …revived from my disruptive slumber, I’ll say I don’t dispute the writer’s freedom to post this or revive it. The site is driven in good part by the freedom to do.

          I imagine, in reviving it, not to worry. Some readers will recognize the title and not read it.

          No one is more strident in opposition to the Jukrislims than I am but so far no has asked me to take them down.

          Also many do not catch on that it is just part of the disagreement. Religion and god are mere tools of human imagination, fear, superstition and particularly ignorance. The real problem is simply that believers too often are not compus mentas and are dangerous to themselves and are dangerous to life itself.

          Life is real. Belief is not. It has always been the mostly likely cause of threatening consequences because belief is an individual issue that can never be settled with agreement or disagreement; and is too often settled by territorial disputes in the minds of people and over the dead bodies on the plains of the earthly elements.

        • Tu addum locum

          Sender I should say also that that you misread what I said, you then disagree with my language (whatever that means), then you sided with me on a position of removal that I didn’t take.

          I don’t want to silence believers and religious people. I don’t want their collective power ruling and ruining life on this planet.

          I wish we had time for all of them to just kill each other by their own attrition but they can’t even get that right.

          Now that it’s too late, the harm is done and no one alive will see peace on earth because of them.

          But it runs deeper than that, which I am not addressing here. Perhaps another time or place…or not. It really doesn’t matter, does it?

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