Testosteronic Freaks

As a lifelong opponent of all things patriarchal I remain steadfast against the father-centered family, father-centered society, and father-centered government. For thousands of years the Jews, Christians, Muslims and their derivative cults are the movers behind too much of what is wrongheaded with humans. They claim life is in their beliefs but in its stead they have provided for generation after generation an unrelenting “death-culture” of willfully gross proportions.

Because of their self-sameness I mainly refer to them only as “Jukrislim,” all one of a single group of people. Therefore, the infighting the Jukrislims do is nothing less than cannibalistic in my view and they are destroying themselves and the rest of us inside out.

These testosteronic religious freaks that dominate our daily lives can only keep us on the path of self-destruction they sent so many cultures down over the ages.

One problem is that these people are too closely associated. They cannot walk away from their different beliefs. Any excuse to fight over land, water or air is enough to call up their troops in the name of their god to fight over their exclusive and sectarian needs.

The Israeli-Hamas conflict is just one of a lengthy history of conflicts that seems to have no end in sight.

Frankly, I’m less concerned with the current conflict than I am with what happens to all of us caught up in the middle in a war not of our own making?

We humans deserve better than what the creepy Jukrislims have forced fed us. We repudiate your hold over our civilization with your testosteronic “death culture.”

Some of us start thinking thoughts like: “Why don’t they just go away? Wouldn’t it be great if they just all killed each other and left the rest of us alone?”

We, who are not one of them, always desire life. Many of us humans don’t want them or need them.

What we want is a culture that is based on “longevity.”

The single greatest pathway to longevity is “Peace.” And, peace is something these testosteronic freaks can never give us.

Comments | 4

  • Is it dangerous to be a “Jukrislim”?

    Jerusalem (CNN) — Gaza’s ruling Hamas government said Tuesday it executed two Palestinian men for collaborating with Israel.
    The father and son, ages 58 and 29, were convicted by a Gaza court in 2004 of assisting the enemy and providing information used to assassinate Palestinians.
    “The issue of collaborators is highly dangerous in the Palestinian society,” Ihab Elghosen, a spokesman for Hamas’ Interior Ministry, told CNN. “We must act forcefully because there is a war underneath the surface between us and the Israeli intelligence and we must win it.”
    “It appears from the state of the bodies that the men were hanged,” a statement from Al Mezan says.

    • “There is a war underneath the surface between us"

      “We must act forcefully because there is a war underneath the surface between us …..and we must win it.”
      That kind of says it all.

      The Jukrislim warriors certainly are dangerous to themselves and each other.
      It’s the danger they pose to other planetary lives that concern me.

      Will those of us who are not one of “them” be around to see these people relegated to harmless warrior mythologies?

  • The systemic nature of the internecine Jukrislim conflict

    Taking Sides:

    Since few people can or will understand the systemic nature of the internecine Jukrislim conflicts they are forever condemned to take sides. The Jukrislim’s are a family of terrorist who fight each for dominance.

    Taking sides only gives credence to one or the other and therefore the conflicts must go on along as the Jukrislim’s and their beliefs “go on” operating as a public entity rather than a private enity, as beliefs should be.

    Belief is just another word for “battleline.”

  • “We either stay together, or we leave this world together”

    “Black Rain”

    When the US dropped “Fat Man” on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 the fireball that exploded at roughly 750 feet above the city over St. Mary’s Cathedral, in the Urakami River district of Nagasaki, the ground zero detonation point above the massive Christian Cathedral was one of the few recognizable targets seen from 31,000 feet. Tens of thousands were instantly boiled, vaporized, incinerated, and carbonized by the plutonium bomb.

    Within minutes black rain from the mushroom’s cloud included particles and body parts of the bodies of Japanese Christians slaughtered by the greatest Christian nation on earth.

    Gaza, anyone? Is not Israel one of the nuclear bomb club and America’s buddy?

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