Congratulations to Pete Diamondstone, Liberty Union Party, Polling at 17%

Congratulations to Pete Diamondstone, Liberty Union Party, Polling at 17%.  That’s great, Pete!  Keep going at it!

Link here

Monday October 20, 2014 02:03 PM
The Associated Press

x-Scott Milne, GOP 113,349 – 51 percent
Peter Shumlin, Dem (i) 43,597 – 20 percent
Pete Diamondstone, LUn 37,932 – 17 percent
Bernard Peters, Ind 12,288 – 6 percent
Dan Feliciano, Lib 10,933 – 5 percent
Cris Ericson, Ind 2,067 – 1 percent
Emily Peyton, Ind 2,044 – 1 percent

Comments | 7

  • "Pete" Diamondstone?

    I believe the Liberty Union candidate for governor is Peter Diamondstone. I am sure that Peter will be happy to know that he polled well, but I doubt that he likes to be called “Pete.”

  • I was unaware

    It appears we will have a Republican Governor again, if this poll is to be believed.

    If so, Brattleboro loses its semi-local connection to the top office.

    So little talk about elections this year. I’m fairly active and barely notice that campaigns are underway. (I assume they are.)

    • 'Just the facts, ma'am'

      Dear Readers – Don’t always believe what you see in print…unless you see it from me :~)

      The REAL totals from the VT Secretary of State::::::::::

      My first sense was like Chris’… poor Democrats…too often losing because of Vermont’s intense split vote between the Democrats and the “minority” parties versus in favor of the obviously more solid column of Republicans.

      But those numbers seemed unusual to me. There were simply a total of too many votes!

      So I called the very helpful Director of Elections at the Secretary of State, Will Senning.

      He directed me to their website with the official tallies. As I suspected, they are different from the “AP” provided by Cris.

      Here is the official link:

      Out of the total of Registered Voters of 440,194, only 9% or 39,424 votes were counted (the usual “primary low turnout.”)

      Tallies (not including the small % of write-ins) are:
      Shumlin 15,260
      Milne 11,486
      Diamondstone 133
      Peyton 2,358
      All other [small % only]

      {Very sorry Cris and SK-B, but ‘Just the facts, ma’am’}

      • Isn't math fun?

        Those results tell a very different story. : )

        We should add Milne to the apologies, too… for us getting hopes inflated. (Which reminds me of a game show I thought up once, called “Inflated Ego”. It would be like Candid Camera, and the deserving target would have their ego gradually inflated to soaring heights in creative ways… then popped with a “You’re on Inflated Ego!”)

        • Laughingstock Revisited !

          This piece is a good tie-in with Laughingstock!

          That’s actually a neat program idea Chris.

  • Final, official total

    Shumlin 89,509
    Milne 87,075

    Much closer than I would have guessed. We almost had a Republican Governor. : )

    • Wow. Very close. Hopefully

      Wow. Very close. Hopefully this is a wake up call to Shumlin to start paying better attention. I, for one, am very relieved we do NOT have a Republican Governor!

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