The Sad Truth About Modern Politics Is You Have To Start Campaign Fundraising For The Next Race The Day After The Current Election!

Frisky Fringe Candidate Seeks Fundraiser For 2016
Campaign Fundraiser Need Now for 2016 Race!

This is like moving Christmas sales up before Thanksgiving. Yes, the candidate who came in last place for Governor of Vermont, and 3rd place for Representative to Congress, wants to lure some  kind folk to explore the money trail, and bring home the wagon train full of cash to promote her 2016 run.

How do you raise campaign funds?  If you are an  attorney or lawyer, this is what you need to learn before contacting the candidate. Remember, they didn’t teach you everything in law school.

A candidate promoter is also needed, but under SuperPAC laws, a Super PAC can NOT have contact with the candidate, a Super PAC is a 100% independent entity that decides on its own to raise donations and spend them promoting a particular candidate. You have to be a real entrepreneur. 17 V.S.A. Section 2801, etc.
” fewer donors participated in the process and more of the dollars came from secret sources.”
…..” such a large chunk of the cost was paid for by a small group of ultra-wealthy donors
using outside groups  to bury voters with an avalanche of spending. “…..
…..”relied heavily on secret sources funneling money through political nonprofits.”…..
…..” in House races, the candidate who spent the most prevailed 94.2 percent of the time;
the Senate figure is slightly lower, 81.8 percent.”…..
…..”the bulk still came from individual donors (as opposed to PACs),”…..

How much money are we talking about?
Example (A)…..”the North Carolina Senate race featuring incumbent Democrat Sen. Kay Hagan,
who was defeated by challenger Thom Tillis. At last count, that race had cost $113.3 million,”…..
…..”in North Carolina’s record-breaking contest, the two main candidates spent
just $32.3 million of the total $113.3 million cost.”…..

O.K. let me exlplain here, a candidate spends from their own campaign fund,  but Super PACs
raise donations and spend them on their own without consulting the candidate, so there
can be  mutlilple sources of funding going towards promoting any candidate.

Example (B) …..”Kentucky’s Senate race …..GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R)
and Democrat Alison Grimes combined to spend $40.3 million.”…..
….. outside groups [ often meaning SUPER PACs ] that either supported Hagan or attacked Tillis
 spent $37.2 million,  besting the $33.1 million spent on the other side”…..
…..”Americans for Prosperity — a 501(c)(4) dark money group — alone claimed to have spent at least $9 million
 on “issue ads” targeting Hagan that never had to be disclosed. “

 This is where it gets really creepy, the average American voter can not possibly have the time
in their hard work week, often working two jobs, to study where on Earth all this money comes from!
Worse yet, the beneficiaries of these money schemes, are the U.S. Congressmen and U.S. Congresswomen,
House and Senate, who are benefiting from the laws they make or FAIL TO MAKE OVER-RIDING SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES DECISIONS – WHICH THEY COULD DO.  

…..”Dark Money”….. expenditures by groups that do not disclose some or all of their donors is up most sharply.”
…..”at least $215.6 million this cycle.”…..
THE BIGGEST $  NEWS: McCutcheon v. FEC
“In April, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its latest important campaign finance decision, tossing aside the
overall  $123,200 cap on how much individuals can give to candidates, PACs and parties in one election cycle
(the limit did not apply to donations to super PACs or other outside spending groups).”
…..” joint fundraising committees…JFCs … raised $168.7 million,…”

Are you starting to get your alphabet soup of campaign finance down?  FEC
Learn about PACs and JFCs.

More on this exciting subject soon. I’m sure many of my political opponents for the 2016 race will be absolutely drooling over this information.

Well, God save us all from the lure of the Devil.

Ms. Cris Ericson 2016
um, can I get my username here at changed to crisericson2016 ?

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