Tax Retail Sales, Churches, Corporations to Reduce Consumer Carnage Holidays

Holidays are lethal. The undue stress of celebrating holidays wrecks the health of our little golden biosphere. Holidays are also not necessary for our personal well-being, and, in some cases, they are stressful and unhealthful to too many people.
Since the turn of the 20th Century when southern soft drink brands started using Santa Claus as an advertising ploy to increase soda sales in the northern winter markets, the lethal nature of human holidays has been tearing earth’s resources asunder.
Oscar Wilde said, “Give me the luxuries, anyone can have the necessaries.” Even Oscar Wilde would agree today that consumer carnage holidays are a luxury we can no longer afford. The fact that too many of the holidays are religious-based means nothing in the context of people hell-bent on the self-destructive nature of continuing holidays.
You can’t help but see, with simple math and observation, that unbridled holiday consumerism, in all its many forms, has helped to endanger our planetary future, and the steadfast comfort, safety and security of our grandchildren.
Should we give up our consumer carnage holidays? Can we learn ways to celebrate without digging up and destroying our terrestrial assets? I’ll leave that to individual consciences. At least, to help turn around climate change now, we should encourage more consumerism based on ecologically friendly products that are not petroleum based, as we wean ourselves and enter recovery from this modern mass addiction of consumerism. Taxation on holiday products and taxing organized religions is a real-time approach to bring awareness and much needed money to turn around this rollercoaster of harm to our climate and environment.
We need to save us “from ourselves” to help keep our sea blue paradise ‘green’ for posterity. It is really the most important gift we can give to our children’s children.
    Vidda Crochetta

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