Officer Did Not Falsify Evidence

CORRECTION: The officer did not falsify evidence. To falsify evidence means to alter it after it is admitted into a court record. That’s really serious and worse than what happened. Here’s what happened.

The Brattleboro “health officer” came to our emergency homeless shelter February 7 2023. We had three RVs for free shelter. He had been told that there were no sewer connections to the RVs. See the video. at .

He walks to the south end of the property looking around. If there had been human waste around, he wouldn’t have needed to ask. So he asks, “Tell me about human waste . . . where is it going ?” any I tell him clearly that the “tenants” (wrong word for the homeless guests) use the toilet around the corner at Groundworks.

Then the officer sees some frozen material in a plastic bag in the trash. He doesn’t examine it or take a sample. And he says they’re going to call it feces. Then in his reports he says feces is everywhere — “throughout the yard”, “throughout the property”, and “exterior to the property”, as if it’s overflowing onto our neighbors. This is fabricated evidence — the centerpiece of the Town’s case. If he saw any feces, it was probably from a dog. There were two dogs staying with us at that time.

There is nothing else but trumped-up rumors and technicalites in the lawsuits that Brattleboro officials have brought against us. They want to fine us up to $4 million ($10,000 per day since last February.) They’re trying to take our home. That’s the Town’s solution to homelessness — make homeless activists homeless. Please help. Tell them to stop.

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