Congress Must Confront Global Warming Crisis Says Sanders

WASHINGTON, May 6 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called for Congress to act on proposals to curb greenhouse gas emissions after a major new report today warned that global warming could exceed 10 degrees Fahrenheit in the United States by the end of this century.

“This important report is another loud and clear warning that greenhouse gases are rising faster than ever and our refusal to recognize and deal with the crisis could have catastrophic consequences,” said Sanders, a member of the Senate energy and environment committees.

“It is no longer acceptable for a majority in Congress to ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence. It is no longer acceptable that coal and oil companies spend millions of dollars to defeat efforts to protect the planet,” Sanders added.

The National Climate Assessment report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was adopted today during a meeting at the White House. The report said it is still possible to save the planet but much more must be done much sooner to curb the carbon and methane emissions that cause climate change.

Sanders has proposed a bill to put a fee on carbon and methane emissions. The measure is cosponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Their measure would help create millions of jobs in a transformation of our energy system away from fossil fuel and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal and biomass.

Another Sanders bill would end tax breaks and subsidies for oil and coal companies. A companion measure in the House is sponsored by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.).

Both ideas are backed by scientists and leading economists but have been blocked by Republicans in Congress who reject the overwhelming conclusion that climate change is occurring and that it is man-made.

To read the National Climate Assessment report, click here.  

To read more about the Sanders-Boxer legislation, click here.  

To read more about the Sanders-Ellison legislation, click here.  

Contact: Michael Briggs (202) 224-5141

Comments | 2

  • The Daily Double Message

    As is clear to some people, perhaps not enough, we live in a time of great duplicity. This entrenched condition practically guarantees we make no headway on our most pressing problems.

    How is the average citizen supposed to feel when the White House simultaneously issues dire warnings, signals a cognizance of impending disaster…and at the same time delays decision on the keystone XL. Punting the ball into the political downfield.

    The same disconnect operates on almost every level..Locally, there’s dramatic remonstration about cuts to services, and layoffs, etc..Yet, as a case in point, as one who was cut and layed-off, I didn’t actually see any responsiveness to the fact that these capricious actions created harm and pain.

    Pick a subject, and you’ll pretty much find the same double standard. Grotesque poverty.. and corporate heydays. No skatepark for decades… but no effort not to criminalize kids for skating. Drag feet on legalizing marijuana.. yet let those busted for negligible amount languish in prison. Epidemic of violence and hate crimes.. huge fanfare over TV and sports dramas as the big news.

    I wish I was not so cynical..I’ve tried to make a difference in my work and relationships, but feel plowed under. When words and actions are so disconnected, how can anyone believe the system is functional?

    • The Great Duplicity

      (is a good name for a magician)

      As people come to this understanding, the question becomes not what to do, but why do anything? If we are to perish tomorrow, is there any point to trying to make the world a better place today?

      Of course, we all will perish. That’s part of the deal we all get. One could ask if there is a point to life if there is suffering, and then we go see the Buddha. Or the Mad Hatter.

      You have strength in friends and creativity, cynicism and wit, words and actions. That can be the basis for an alternative system that jams the signals.

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