Vermont Voters Undecided! There is Time For One Last Debate With All SEVEN Candidates for Governor of VT!

Vermont voters are still undecided with no candidate recently polling at 50% or more for Governor of Vermont.  Of course the recent polls are corrupt because they don’t include the name of all SEVEN  candidates for governor of VT. The polls are created by major news media contractors and all major news media, television, radio and newspapers, are controlled by Corporations.  They don’t even want you to know the names of the “other” candidates the voters are “undecided” about.  This is how government continues to be of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations.   We need to break the deadlock of undecision in Vermont by allowing one more debate with all 7 candidates.

Poll: Shumlin 47%, Milne 35% 
1 day ago
A recent poll, which  did NOT have the names of all of the candidates
for governor of Vermont on the poll, suggests that no candidate is ready to win
the election on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014

Governor candidates Emily Peyton and Cris Ericson are willing to participate
fully in another debate, which was offered by WBTN & CAT-TV,
but apparently they can’t round up all the candidates together.

At the last minute,
 a final gubernatorial debate with all 7 of the candidates,
if it is simultaneously aired on C-Span,
would help Vermonters a lot.

Re: Gubernatorial Forum on CAT-TV & WBTNMonday, October 27, 2014 10:02
From: “WBTNAM.ORG” tracy @
To: “Cris Ericson” crisericson @
Hello, Chris!   I have tried to get all the candidates together for a forum,
 but I haven’t been able to.
 I have definitely not forgotten you
 and will be in touch should the unlikely occur!
Tracy Barret
407 Harwood Hill
 Bennington, VT 05201

On October 25, 2014 at 9:19 PM Cris Ericson
crisericson @ wrote:

 Dear Tracy Barret,
 some time ago you notified me that you were going to
 host a gubernatorial debate simulcast on
 CAT-TV in Bennington, VT and WBTN.
 I am a candidate on the ballot
 for governor and you
 never notified me of the time
 and date of the proposed debate.
 Cris Ericson

 Cris Ericson Campaign for U.S. Congress 2014,
 Cris Ericson Campaign for Governor of Vermont 2014,
 879 Church Street
 Chester, Vermont
 crisericson @ 

   A vote for Cris Ericson is a vote for the GREEN LIST !
(1) Stop the F-35 strike fighter jets from being based in Chittenden County,
     by the Burlington International Airport,  the most populated area of Vermont.
(2) Stop a natural gas pipeline from being built underneath Lake Champlain.
     Natural gas is not natural, it is fracked, and extracting it causes ground 
     water contamination.   Natural gas pipelines can leak and explode,
     and there is too much risk because one-third of Vermonters draw their 
     drinking water from Lake Champlain!
(3)  Return control of schools to local Towns! Don’t let the State of Vermont,
      under the guise of federal dollars and common core mandates,   
      bus your children for miles each morning on hilly roads  in buses
      with no seat belts to consolidated schools.
(4)  Give all people the same tax breaks as businesses and corporations!
      The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations are “persons”;
      so are we!
(5)  Make marijuana legal!  Old Testament, Holy Bible, Genesis: God
      gave us every seed bearing plant.

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