Gub’mint Interference – Unclean Hands!

From the BBC

US senator questions forcing food workers to wash hands:

A US senator has suggested that restaurants should not have to make their employees wash their hands after toilet visits.

Senator Thom Tillis, a North Carolina Republican, made the comments on Monday during a speech criticising business regulations.

“Let them decide” such issues, the newly elected lawmaker said.

His argument was that restaurants which did not require workers to wash their hands would quickly go out of business.

“But I think it’s good to illustrate the point, that that’s the sort of mentality we need to have to reduce the regulatory burden on this country,” Mr Tillis said.

He suggested that restaurants that did not require hand washing would have to alert customers with prominently displayed signs – itself a regulation.


Comments | 6

  • Mandatory by law

    ” His argument was that restaurants which did not require workers to wash their hands would quickly go out of business.”
    Yep…they probably would go out of business. But how many people would get sick or worse before that happened? This is just basic common sense- wash your hands after you use the toilet- ESPECIALLY if you’re going to be working with food.
    Just when I think Republicans have reached their saturation point of ignorance and stupidity another genius comes along to prove me wrong.
    I ran a catering business fro 25 years and it actually is not up to the restaurant/food business owner to decide whether employees should wash their hands. It’s a mandatory requirement of state/city health departments and one of the first things a chef or kitchen worker is tested on when they apply to get certification to handle food. So, if this idiot would like to change the law about food handling hygiene he should get busy on that. What an ass.

    • But he's right!

      Actually the restaurant would go out of business… they cannot make a profit with all their customers dead.

      • is he crazy???

        of course there is no guarantee that workers will follow through when it is a law, and although it would seem to be only common sense to wash ones hands, i’ve been in plenty of public washrooms and seen people walk out without going near a sink. i always take a paper towel to open the door too…yuck!if we could see the germs in public places, we probably wouldn’t go out at all.

  • handy

    Aren’t doctors taught to wash hands before using the restroom?

    I like the idea of making a law to put up a warning sign if employees don’t wash hands… to get rid of the law about washing hands. Brilliant.

    Washing hands is one of the most simple and effective ways to stay healthy.

  • How to tell college men apart

    If a guy washes his hands before using the Bathroom, he’s a Dartmouth guy.
    If he washes after, he’s from Yale.
    If he washes before AND after, he’s from Harvard.
    And if he doesn’t wash at all, he’s from MIT.

    And BTW, ya spelt “Gub’mint” wrong.

    • Correction Made

      Thank you Tomaidh for corrected the misspelling. An ejicated person woulda known better.

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