A Presidential Candidate – Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee has announced his intention to become president.

“I am a candidate for president of the USA,” and, “I never thought of using a firearm to murder someone.”

Comments | 5

  • " Bring in the clowns.....Oh,

    ” Bring in the clowns…..Oh, wait..they’re here”
    Quite the line-up the GOP has going.

    • Bush-Clinton 2016!

      Pretty bad when Ben Carson looks like the sane one.

      • Crosseyed

        I’m a bit out of my element here, but I’ll tip the cup anyway.

        American’s can only vote for a president and vice-president ticket. I’ve not known to vote for them separately. Therefore any Dem-Rep or Dem-Ind tickets are allowable under current two-party rules?

        • coronation

          12th Amendment covered this, and made it so there would be separate ballots for Pres. and VP, and a vote by congress folk if necessary.

          Technically electors can choose the President and VP separately, but we’ve fallen into the practice of letting the popular vote for a pair from a party guide the choice.

          FDR was the first, I hear, to choose his own VP candidate. Before that, conventions decided.

          (I’d like to see Bush and Clinton drop out of their parties and form the Take It party, joining forces and saving us all a year of nonsense by pledging no ads, no debates, no campaigning, and just the coronations.)

  • That's all folks

    The bass player has suspended his campaign.

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