Sanders Draws Crowds Around Brattleboro

“Enough is enough!” was Bernie Sanders’ rallying cry Wednesday night at multiple locations around Brattleboro and over 3,500 locations nationwide.

Sanders delivered a pep rally of sorts to supporters of his campaign for the presidency, appearing by streaming video to over 100,000 viewers. For those familiar with Bernie Sanders, it sounded familiar. To those new to politics or Sanders, it was a chance to start to get acquainted with the Vermont senator.

In Brattleboro, hundreds of people turned out and filled up McNeill’s, the River Garden, and homes. Sanders encouraged them to “stand together” and reminded them that the campaign was about them. “I can’t do it alone.”

He pledged that by working together, history would be made, then suggested ways for people to get involved in coordinating the campaign at the local level, getting the word out, knocking on doors, making calls, and convincing family in order to turn the crowds into a campaign.

McNeill’s was extremely hot and humid; The River Garden was a bit more comfortable.

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