White Supremacist Robocalls Touting Trump

I got one of these calls last night. The man making them is clearly unhinged. Apparently he targeted Vermont.

Story Link

Did other iBratters get this robocall lunacy?

Comments | 9

  • A Loathe Supreme

    Yes, I got it too.

    Also hearing reports grand wiz David Duke said, “to not vote for Trumplestilskin is an act of treason”.

    Great job, Amrica…

  • "But don't call me a racist"

    Listening to the message was like a dissociative moment. I couldn’t really fathom it was happening. Sheer babbling, ranting madness.

    It’s the first political call that didn’t hang up when they heard me yell, “Vote for Bernie!” on the outgoing message.

    • Dissociative moments

      I’d like to say it was simply surreal. But it was all too real. And I’d like to say it was just babbling…but it was the language of hate, clearly articulated.

      Any student of history, even a poor one, knows where this kind of thing leads..

      Maybe that’s why I’m not mollified by speeches in arenas, or pop star high fives.

  • Hate loses

    Hate needs to be kept in check, and called out when it happens. That’s the lesson holocaust survivors wanted kids to learn at the children’s museum when we developed an exhibit. Name calling can lead to dehumanizing can lead to extermination.

    But also, Trump’s beating the others by being a classic schoolyard bully and talking trash. He has the street skills to insult the other kids mother over and over until the kid goes home crying ( he actually did this with Bush). For a while this usually works for a bully, and the weak wannabe kids look up to the bully and gather around.

    But bullies are just that, and there is no safety in that circle around the bully. He’ll turn on his own, and beat them up, too, if necessary.

    We do sorta owe him for really destroying the Republican party and keeping some really inadequate candidates and family dynasties from getting a hold this time out. If he bows out, he will have done us some good in that regard.

    But if Trump wants to make this a love vs. hate election, hate will lose. It’s ugly and dull. Not a good product to be selling. It may have appeal, but is a niche.

  • White Supremacist Robocalls Touting Trump

    I wonder if these calls are going to persons who have land lines. I haven’t received any on my cell phone. If anyone receives any of these calls tape them and turn it over to the police.

    • not all land lines...

      Nothing on our land line. I was sort of hoping I’d find it in the messages, but no such luck.

      It would be interesting to know which list was bought and used.

      Not sure the police would be the right jurisdiction. FCC maybe.

  • Kasich

    I did just get a call from Kasich, disguised as a poll. They asked how likely I was to vote for the GOP, who I liked, what single issue was important from their premade list, and then it ended with an ad for Kasich and a bit about his time in Ohio. Call came from Rutland.

  • keeping racism in the race for the white house

    As it turns out, the message was left on my machine. Click the story link to hear it, or read the transcript further down in the story. This has haunted me ever since first hearing the words spoken in my living room. Especially knowing the laws of the land don’t classify this as hate speech. Rather, they are protected by both first amendment rights, and Citizen United ruling of SuperPAC powers.

    But that these sentiments are held and broadcast by would-be leaders disturbs me tremendously nonetheless, to say the least. So much so, that I began work on a Garage Band moshing; to parse, amplify, detour and inoculate if at all possible against the message. But I didn’t get very far in the project, because it started to make me sick.

    And I realized, more than a rap about ‘hate’, this campaign ad was entirely about fear. And when I realized how undeniable that fact was, it became obvious how much the political behemoth that is the bloated and narcissistic electoral beast we’re stuck with- abetted by the attention addicted media- is stoking, and exploiting this fear.

    If there’s anything to be gleaned, or revealed by examination of robocalls such as these, it’s that the manipulation of emotion, the amplification of fear, the habit of aggression, the resistance to change..must be faced, and held to the light of day. We can’t wait for that exposition to be done for us, by others. Silence is complicity.

    • love

      I noticed Clinton picked up on the love vs hate theme this weekend in her speech, in referring to Trump. (Though she keeps going with the “Sanders has one issue” lie, which isn’t very loving. : ) )

      Fear is a great way to motivate people without the ability to think critically. This century has been all about fear. It’s so boring and predictable, but it works to bring out the worst in people time and time again.

      Fear others! Vote for Trump!
      Fear Trump! Vote for Rubio!
      Fear God! Vote for Cruz!
      Fear the new GOP! Vote Kasich!
      Fear being awake! Vote Carson!
      Fear losing the status quo! Vote for Clinton!
      Fear losing your job? Vote Sanders!

      One of those seems like a reasonable concern. : )

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