Absolute Immunity

For a person to propose they are above the law is presumption on a scale that is an affront to all life.  The very notion that any and all acts are beyond recrimination, and perforce exemptible, is a form of hubris that even Greek myths condemn.

Icarus, Narcissus, Sisyphus, the message is the same, think too highly of yourself, pay the price.  But now we’re confronted by a modern configuration so corrupt and decadent that such arrogance might be permitted.

Ours is a culture accustomed to getting away with things.. And not just little slights and nominally exacted tributes; enslavement, forced relocation, ecological devastation, extinctions-there’s barely the nod towards reparation.

If the idea is that now our justice system is put to the test, we needn’t wait for a verdict. The fix is already in by virtue of the appeal being considered.  Such arrogance and self aggrandizement without shame shows the nature of our venality and addiction to privilege.

Whether by the Gods of Olympus, or karma, or whatever we now cling to as dispenser of redress, the petition for an all encompassing immunity itself has fouled the water, and it does not feel like anything other than massive sweeps of time can obliterate the stench.

Comments | 4

  • get away

    I’m reminded of Fawn Hall. “Sometimes you have to go above the written law” was her quote in the 80’s, as she and Ollie North were questioned about spending days shredding documents related to Iran Contra.

    She got busted for littering in the DC Metro (a banana peel, if I recall correctly) and people at the time made lots of jokes about her being above the law with her littering.

    In many ways, this cycle of outright lies may have began back then, under Reagan (okay, long before, but…). Lies to our face. Wearing military uniforms and lying to the cameras. Being proud of the lies and wearing them as a badge of honor. You’re stupid if you are honest. The liars get ahead.

    The lesson I’ve learned is that if you can afford the lawyers, go ahead and do anything you want because you can delay and distract and never be held accountable for any of your crimes. If you can’t afford endless lawyers, you will pay for it and be made an example so it looks as if everyone is treated equally.

    Good thing the corruptions charges will be decided by others accused of corruption. I’m sure that will work out well.

    This post brought to you by cynical Tuesday. : )

  • Catch-24

    We are familiar with the paradox of Catch-22. The idea, from Heller’s book:

    “…a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane, he had to fly them. If he flew them, he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn’t want to, he was sane and had to…”

    Catch 24- named after the electoral year.. “…only someone capable of criminal or morally dubious acts would insist on absolute immunity. If one was the least bit reflective, it’d be clear that only a person who wanted to be exempt from all repercussions would pursue absolute immunity. Why would anyone with a shred of decency claim absolute immunity, that very request would suggest knowledge of guilt or malevolent ulterior motives…”

    • I want some

      I wish I had known about absolute immunity as a kid.

      “I may have kicked my sister, but I should have absolutely immunity! I was acting on the official role of Brother, and if a Brother cannot do whatever they want to their younger siblings, then there’s no reason to be an older brother. Case closed.”


      “Gee officer, I was speeding but I was acting in my official capacity as a Driver..”

      • Disinfect the Body Politic

        Maybe if Trump injected bleach, or was able to shine an ultraviolet light inside his body he could achieve the invulnerability he is seeking.

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