Selectboard Meeting Notes – Water & Sewer Rates Up, Parking Meters To Come Down But Rates Likely To Rise

brattleboro selectboard june 4 2024

The first meeting of June for the Brattleboro Selectboard and they decided your Water & Sewer Rates are going up 5%. 

The board spent quite a bit of time, though, talking about raising your parking rates, too.  Remember the great meter system that the Town staff insisted be purchased a few years back? Fast forward a bit and now the Town staff wants to cut down every meter and replace them with a handful of credit card powered kiosks. They’d like to get rid of any coins or cash in the system. And Town staff suggested merely doubling current rates.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – June 4, 2024

Newly increased water rates will be adopted and the FY25 Parking Fund will be presented for approval at the next regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard. Part of the discussion will be the adoption of a grant for downtown parking system improvements. A slightly more unusual part will be to choose between parking fund revenues of $654,500 or $1,029,500, which most likely means a decision about raising parking rates.

There will be a small affordable housing grant for BAAH, and an application for a grant to improve sidewalks and add a path to the backside of the Common. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Vacant Building Permits and Municipal Housing

The Brattleboro Selectboard had a first reading of a new ordinance regarding vacant buildings around town. If a building is vacant for 180 days, it must get a permit, and the cost of the permit doubles each year. Will it finally put some pressure on the empty Home Depot building? Not as written. It will be exempt.

In a discussion about possible municipally-owned properties that could be candidates for new housing developments, Liz McLoughlin mentioned a confidential plan that might include both the Municipal Center and the High Grove parking lot. She didn’t explain further.

And, your water rates will go up 5% rather than 1% this October.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting – Agenda and Notes – May 21, 2024

At their next regular meeting, the Brattleboro Selectboard will consider a number of ordinance changes, and in one case an “ordnance ” change. Water and sewer rates, liquor licenses, and vacant buildings are the topics.

They will also hear about the suitability (or “suitablity”) of municipal properties for potential housing, and list the various committee vacancies that are awaiting members of the public to apply and serve. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Water Main Flushing Schedule Spring 2024

Utilities Division crews will start Spring Flushing of the Town water mains on Friday, April 19 and continue through Friday, May 3.  Occasional daytime flushing will continue throughout the week of May 6 through 10..  

Customers are asked to check the flushing schedule closely as flushing may cause water discoloration, low water pressure and in some areas, intervals of no water.  Users who experience a short period of discolored water or air in the water lines after flushing is complete should run the cold water for a few minutes to clear the lines.

Brattleboro Water Department Annual Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report Available

The Town of Brattleboro Water Department’s annual Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report for 2023 is now available. This report can be viewed on line at under Water Supply.  Printed copies are available at the Department of Public Works, Tri-Park CO-OP Office, Guilford Country Store, Town Clerk’s Office and Treasurer’s office (both located in the Brattleboro Municipal Center) and at the I-91 Welcome Center in Guilford. 

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Hey Buddy, Can You Spare A Sign?

dec 5 brattleboro selectboard

The Brattleboro Selectboard bravely took no action against a non-existent problem at their most recent meeting. Panhandling isn’t a problem to be solved, and existing laws cover any other potential issues.  Perhaps we will make… a sign!

The Library has a strategic plan, housing development is lackluster, the town might get McNeill’s property to pay off demolition of his building, the public wondered about unusually large raises for department heads given an expected increase in property taxes, and an exhaustive search led the Town to hire Golden Cross’s billing service for EMS billing.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – Dec 1, 2023

Ooops. A “previously overlooked item” will require an estimated base increase in Brattleboro property taxes for FY25 of 3.6%. It’s on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard.

The Brattleboro Fire Department would like $3000 a month to pay an outside company for EMS billing services. Doing everything in-house is no longer an option.

The board will also hear about a strategic plan for Brooks Memorial Library, and update on how their housing plan has been going, talk of acquiring the McNeill’s property in exchange for the demolition costs, and another discussion of things that can be done about panhandling.

You can bring up almost anything else during public participation unless it is some issue the Chair doesn’t want discussed in public.

Brattleboro Fall Water Main Flushing Schedule

Utilities Division crews will start Fall Flushing of the Town water mains on Friday, September 22 and continue through Friday, October 13.  Occasional daytime flushing will continue throughout the week of October 6 through 13..  

Customers are asked to check the flushing schedule closely as flushing may cause water discoloration, low water pressure and in some areas, intervals of no water.  Users who experience a short period of discolored water or air in the water lines after flushing is complete should run the cold water for a few minutes to clear the lines.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – July 11, 2023

The results of the Brattleboro Selectboard board retreat will be discussed at their next Tuesday meeting. Hint: they have established their five top goals of the year to be good transportation center parking, the town pool, the community safety plan, safety zones, and housing.

Tax rates and utility rates will be set, housing and land use will be discussed, and you can bring up any other items not on the agenda if the Chair allows under Public Participation.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting June 20, 2023 – Agenda and Notes

Brattleboro employees will get raises and taxpayers will get a 5% reduction in water bills at the next regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Parking and Utility budgets will be approved, the monthly EMS update will be given, and the public’s chance to weigh in at the 2nd meeting in June regarding EMS services will be on the agenda as well.  You might also be able to bring up other items not on the agenda.

Brattleboro Water Department 2022 Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report Available

The Town of Brattleboro Water Department’s annual Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report for 2022 is now available. This report can be viewed on line at and printed copies are available at the Department of Public Works, Tri-Park CO-OP Office, Guilford Country Store, Town Clerk’s Office and Treasurer’s office (both located in the Brattleboro Municipal Center) and at the I-91 Welcome Center in Guilford. 

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Public Restrooms Desired, But Where To Put Them?

selectboard jan 19 2023

Public restrooms were a major topic of discussion for the board at the regular Tuesday meeting. Nothing, of course, was decided. The board also allowed the Assessors ask Representative Town Meeting Representatives to agree to a town-wide re-appraisal of taxable properties.

There were financial and EMS updates, and a discussion of further revising meeting agenda formats to reflect anticipated times of agenda items. (Good luck with that… says this reporter.)

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda & Notes – January 17, 2023

The Brattleboro Selectboard will take an almost-final look at the proposed FY24 budget at their next regular meeting. Items of interest – the FY23 budget may be overspent, the Town Attorney gets a raise to $120,563, construction of some sort of public bathrooms might get approved, and more.

You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Whiskey and Water

brattleboro selectboard feb 2 2022

The Brattleboro Selectboard met to discuss liquor license renewals and a safe drinking water system loan Tuesday evening

They granted licenses and accepted free money in record time, withholding most commentary and cutting right to the chase. This qualifies the evening as one of the shortest regular meetings.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – 100% Renewable? Maybe Later…Soon. Really.

selectboard feb 2021

An extended discussion about Brattleboro becoming the largest purchaser of Cow Power ended with explanations of feelings and confusions, but no purchase agreement. The Brattleboro Selectboard was saved from making a decision by Town Manager Elwell’s suggestion to gather more data.

Lots of water and sewer improvements and activity, a thank you from Boys & Girls, and a new name for a short street rounded things out.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – February 16, 2021

There will be an emergency discussion of a Muffin Monster at the next regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard. They’ll also discuss a new Cow Power agreement, water treatment facility funding and security, and hear an update about Brattleboro’s Boys and Girls Club operations during COVID.

The board will wrap up their meeting with a renaming of a portion of Elm Street in honor of Stanley Lynde, the well-know motorcycle shop owner. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Water Main Flushing Schedule Fall 2020

Utilities Division crews will start Fall Flushing of the Town water mains on Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 10:00 p.m. and continue through Saturday, October 10, 2020

NOTE: Some daytime flushing will continue throughout the week of October 13th and 19th  

Customers are asked to check the flushing schedule closely as flushing causes water discoloration, low water pressure and in some areas, intervals of no water.

Please note that water main flushing will occur at night and during the day.