Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Policy and Amendment Committee Meeting Minutes Sept 25, 2024

The committee decided to incorporate the following changes:
● Add to section 3: “The use of prone or supine restraint is strictly prohibited.”
o The definitions for prone and supine restraint were already in the policy, but there was no statement that their use was prohibited. The district does not use prone or supine restraint, and this edit will highlight that fact, stating it clearly in the policy.

Dummerston Leadership Council Meeting Minutes September 19, 2024

1. Were appropriate reporting channels followed? Complaints bypassed process and went directly to the boardroom.

2. Was the need to maintain a distinction between the administrative role of the administrators and the policy making role of the board adhered? Board members inserted their personal stance and directly requested change at a school level.

WSESD, WSESU, VTSD 2024 Summit Meeting Minutes

● Discussion related to the display of political flags at the Dummerston School was held.
● Consent agenda for WSESD was approved
● Warrants from the Vernon School were approved.
● Pre-K Providers were approved
● The CIP plan was shared to the three Boards

WSESD Board and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes

● Two Board members will join the Collective Bargaining team for the upcoming negotiations this year.
● The Board will review the policies to formally identify those that require a report to the Board.
● The Board voted to approve the 24-25 Calendar of Presentations to the Board.
● The Board will review and discuss the CIP goals following the Summit on (sic)

Windham Southeast School District Board Meeting Agenda Aug 27, 2024

– If appropriate, every agenda item is subject to Potential Action.
– If any Board Member feels that an item on the Consent Agenda warrants discussion, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be set aside for discussion. In this way the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion. That request should be made now, or before the vote on the Consent Agenda.
– Amendments to the Agenda

WSESD Social Justice and Equity Committee Meeting Minutes – August 1, 2024

Panorama retention survey, school climate, well-being, and teacher feedback should be included in the annual report. The report will address the need for equity support and emphasize the importance of continuous improvement. Specific attention will be given to marginalized students in the continuous improvement plan to ensure that goals are met.

Upon reviewing the data, it is evident that students with individualized education programs (IEP) and those from low-income backgrounds are not performing well. This called for specific attention in the CIP plan for math and literacy. Deborah will speak to Mark about drafting the necessary goals that were presented at the June administration retreat.

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes – August 13, 2024

● The Board reviewed who is on each of the committees and who the chair is. Also reviewed who participates in each of the school’s L.C.s

● The Board voted to resume responsibility for accepting all hires, resignations, and retirements now that the summer session is coming to a close.

● The Board voted to resume responsibility for the financial decisions now that the summer session is coming to a close.

● The Board approved the hire for the Automotive Teacher for the WRCC.

● The consent agenda was approved by the Board.

● The Board re-adopted policies E14, F4, F5, F41 and G13.

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda – Aug 13, 2024

-If appropriate, agenda items are subject to Potential Action.
-If any Board Member feels that an item on the Consent Agenda warrants discussion, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be set aside for discussion. In this way, the Consent Agenda will be approved in one motion. That request should be made now – or before the vote on the Consent Agenda.

WSESD Programmatic and Performance Equity Committee Meeting Agenda July 30, 2024

I. Call to Order / Introductions / Recognition of Visitors

II. Review of Programmatic and Performance Equity Committee mission:

a. Mission: Monitor school equity and performance, and work with district staff to develop recommendations to increase equity and performance throughout the district.

III. Committee focus / items for discussion (listed here are items that were considered in 2023/2024):

a. Food Services in the district: how can the board assess equity in food access across schools in the district?
b. Leadership Councils: how is the board doing with communications with LCs?

WSESD Social Justice and Equity Committee Meeting Minutes June 20, 2024

An email was sent to highlight issues with retention, including retirement, resignation, and reasons for leaving. The focus is on analyzing the factors contributing to and impacting retention. Mikaela is examining the reasons for employee turnover and the positions that people are leaving.

Michael mentioned that our school’s turnover rate is lower than the state average. The state turnover rate is 30%, while ours is approximately 12%. In Massachusetts, the teacher turnover rate is 12%. There have been several retirements.