March Precipitation Report

March precipitation total is 7.88″.  NOAA normal is 3.62″ so we are 218% above average for the month. Yearly precip stands at 15.99″ compared to NOAA average of 10.12″ or 158% of normal.   Normal is a NOAA term which is a 30 year average for the years 1990- 2020.  The average or normal changes every 10 years.  I think of the terms as interchangeable.  NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the National Weather Service.  

Snowfall at my location this winter season is 35.1″.  There are no official averages for this area but my average for the past 30 years is about 64″ so we are low even though the moisture is high.

All numbers are from my location in S.E. Brattleboro and vary quite a lot from one location to another.

If this interests you measuring precipitation check out COCORAHS



Comments | 1

  • I love your stats...

    So we seem to be wetter and warmer. That seems logical and disappointing.

    The weather services might need to do shorter average periods with such dramatic changes going on. Maybe every 3-5 years.

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