Sanders Details Economic Agenda for America

WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today outlined a progressive economic agenda to reverse a 40-year decline of the American middle class and the growing gap between the very rich and everyone else in the United States.

In a Senate floor speech, Sanders detailed measures to create millions of new jobs, raise wages, protect the environment and provide health care for all. He said the most significant question facing the American people is: “Are we prepared to take on the enormous economic and political power of the billionaire class or do we continue to slide into economic and political oligarchy?”

Sanders Wants Probe of FairPoint Service Interruptions, Calls for Company to Resume Talks with Striking Workers

WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today applauded a Vermont Public Service Department request for an investigation into FairPoint Communications telephone service interruptions, including a nearly six-hour lapse in emergency 911 service on Friday.

A FairPoint equipment failure prevented 45 Vermonters from reaching emergency dispatchers at the Montpelier Police Department and the Vermont State Police in Williston, St. Albans and Middlesex. “That is simply unacceptable,” Sanders said. “FairPoint’s history of bankruptcy and poor service should be cause for real concern in terms of the company’s ability to deliver the emergency services Vermonters need, deserve and are paying for.”

Brattleboro Finance Committee

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Thus far, I am the only volunteer to be re-appointed to the Town of Brattleboro Finance Committee. I was re-appointed shortly following last March’s Representative Town Meeting.

The Town Charter calls for the existence and work of the Finance Committee. This is the wording in the Charter:

Enlightening Essay by Chris Hedges

For those unfamiliar with Hedges, he has spent nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. He has reported from more than 50 countries and has worked for The Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio, The Dallas Morning News and The New York Times, for which he was a foreign correspondent for 15 years.

This essay hit me right between the eyes:

  By Chris Hedges   November 10, 2014   

Drugmakers Mum on Huge Price Hikes – Legislation Filed to Save Taxpayers $500 Million

WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 – Sharp increases in prices for many generic drugs were examined today at a Senate hearing where three pharmaceutical companies refused to testify.

Generic drugs, copies of drugs no longer protected by patents, historically have cost much less than brand-name prescription medicines. But federal records made public at the hearing show the price for 1,215 generic drugs increased 448 percent on average from July, 2013 to July, 2014. During that period, nearly 10 percent of all generic drugs more than doubled in price, according to the analysis of data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Building Tar Sands Pipeline Would Be ‘Insane,’ Sanders Says

WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said today that it would be “insane” to construct the Keystone XL pipeline to ship the dirtiest oil on the planet from Canada’s tar sands region to refineries along the Gulf of Mexico.

“The scientific community is telling us that we have a narrow window of opportunity to address the crisis of climate change and to transform our energy system away from fossil fuels and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy,” Sanders said in prepared remarks. “This legislation would move us in exactly the wrong direction toward not only more dependence on fossil fuels but on some of the dirtiest fossil fuel imaginable. That is insane.”

Why The Dems Lost – One Voter’s View

I didn’t vote this year.  For the first time in well over a decade, I was too annoyed to participate.  Over the last six years, I’ve watched as the Democrats held power but proved unwilling or unable to wield it effectively.  To make matters worse, those of us who fall left of center have been effectively stifled.  Mainstream Democrats saw to that.  So while many on the left fret about the Republicans and their Tea Party antagonists, I would argue that it was this stifling of discussion within the Democratic party that led to the debacle of the 2014 midterms. The Democrats are a party that is silently divided.

Tuesday’s Electorate! The Most Suckered, Desperate, Egoistic, Depressed, Proudly Ignorant, Dangerous People on Earth

This self-indulgent blind, deaf and dumb US electorate is dangerous for the genocide and eventual WW III it mostly unconsciously continues to vote for.

Americans voting on Tuesday are dangerous because the grand majority of them will be voting unconsciously for continuing genocidal wars, which, as Martin Luther King cried out one year to the day before he received a bullet to his head), “are meant to maintain unjust predatory investments on three continents.” America’s interests abroad’ is what this overwhelming majority of those voting will understand as protecting American freedom at home.

Postal Service Revenue Rises as Service Cuts Loom

BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 14 – Calling on the Postal Service to avert damaging service cuts and job losses, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) pointed to a new report today that revenue for the mail delivery service rose by $569 million during the fiscal year that just ended.

It was the second year in a row that profits rose, mainly because of increases in package deliveries to online shoppers.

Despite almost $1 billion in revenue growth over the past two years, the Postal Service is forging ahead with plans to shut down as many as 82 mail processing plants beginning in January. The closings would put 15,000 jobs in jeopardy.

Congressional Panel to Probe Generic Drug Price Hikes

WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced today that a Senate panel he chairs will hold a hearing next week to explore why the costs of certain generic drugs are skyrocketing. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), who has worked with Sanders on this issue, will take part in the Nov. 20 hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging.

Price hikes for generic drugs also reportedly have come under scrutiny by the U.S. Department of Justice. Subpoenas recently were issued to two generic drug makers seeking information about their interactions with competitors, The Wall Street Journal disclosed on Monday.

Chairman Sanders on Veterans Day

BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 10 – U.S. Senate Veterans’ Affairs’ Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement on Tuesday’s observance of Veterans Day:

“The truth is that we can never truly repay the debt that we owe to those men and women who put their lives on the line to defend our country. Since World War II, more than 500,000 Americans have lost their lives in war. Millions more have come home wounded in body and spirit. As a nation, we have a moral obligation to provide for the wounded and their families and ensure that all veterans receive every benefit they have earned and deserve.

Sanders Calls on FCC to Guarantee Open Internet, Welcomes Support from President Obama on Net Neutrality

BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 10 – Welcoming President Barack Obama’s support for net neutrality, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today urged the Federal Communications Commission to protect free and open access to the Internet.

In a l, Sanders said the commission should act decisively. “As you know, President Barack Obama has made a strong statement on net neutrality and the importance of preserving a free and open Internet. I strongly agree with him and so do the American people,” Sanders wrote to Wheeler.

The Reasons Why I Hope Scott Milne Will Ask For A Full Re-Count of the 2014 Vermont Vote For Governor

Heres’  why I  think Scott Milne should demand a re-count of the 2014 Election Results; and I’d like to see  a total forensic exam of all the results, not just the Governor’s race, but the majority of people in Vermont are just concerned with the outcome of the Governor’s race.

The Vermont vote totals reported at 100%  show 193,087 votes for all votes for Governor candidates, and 191,504 for all votes for Representative to Congress candidates. The difference is 193,087 – (minus) 191,504 = (equals) 1,583 fewer people seem to have voted for the first item on the ballot.

Open Letter of Complaint To The F.B.I., Federal Bureau of Investigation: Vote Fraud!

I can’t believe my eyes!  They have done it again!  In 2010 it was clear as a bell, they had an “unoffical” vote count, and then on the “official” vote count that followed, they cut my votes for Governor and for U.S. Senate right in half.

This time, The results  of total votes at 96.365 counted were for me, Cris Ericson for U.S. Congress 3,605 votes at 1.89%.  Today at 100% of the votes counted, my votes have been reduced to 2,750 at 1.44% coming in 3rd out of 6 candidates.

The Sad Truth About Modern Politics Is You Have To Start Campaign Fundraising For The Next Race The Day After The Current Election!

Frisky Fringe Candidate Seeks Fundraiser For 2016
Campaign Fundraiser Need Now for 2016 Race!

This is like moving Christmas sales up before Thanksgiving. Yes, the candidate who came in last place for Governor of Vermont, and 3rd place for Representative to Congress, wants to lure some  kind folk to explore the money trail, and bring home the wagon train full of cash to promote her 2016 run.

How do you raise campaign funds?  If you are an  attorney or lawyer, this is what you need to learn before contacting the candidate. Remember, they didn’t teach you everything in law school.

Sanders Proposes ‘Democracy Day’ Legislation Calls for Election Day Holiday

BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 7 – After Tuesday’s extremely low voter turnout, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced today that he will introduce to make Election Day a national holiday.

“In America, we should be celebrating our democracy and doing everything possible to make it easier for people to participate in the political process. Election Day should be a national holiday so that everyone has the time and opportunity to vote. While this would not be a cure-all, it would indicate a national commitment to create a more vibrant democracy,” said Sanders, who was not on the ballot on Tuesday.

VT 2014 Election Analysis From The Fringe

Progressives Make Gains Respectable Showing For Liberty Union Socialists;
Radical-Capitalist Libertarians Fall Flat, By David Van Deusen

Thus far, one of the more interesting aspects of the 2014 Vermont election was the relative strength of the Progressive Party & and the respectable showings of the Vermont Liberty Union Party. The Democratic Party, in a year that saw record low turnout (43.7%), had a net loss of eleven in the VT House, and two in the VT Senate (and a surprisingly close contest for Governor). Even so, and even with voting patterns seemingly favoring the right, the Democrats retained a commanding lead in both the VT House and VT Senate. And while the Republicans made some gains (small in the big political scheme of things) the further left also did better than traditional election logic would seem to allow for.

Guess Who’s Cyber Bullying Now? As A Candidate and a Vermont Voter, I’m Furious & I Hope You Read This!



The Vermont – NEA, the union of Vermont educators, has displayed a gross and horrendous act of cyber bullying and dis-information by telling their taxpayer paid teachers and other educators who to vote for, and who NOT to vote for!