Pay Attention! There Is A Huge Difference Between Lieutenant Governor Candidates!

Let’s pick apart a few huge differences between Lieutenant Governor candidates!

Cris Ericson, Molly Gray, Scott Milne and two other candidates are on the ballot for Lieutenant Governor. Mr Billado and Mr. Corbo do not have websites, but you can call or email them.

It is actually important to know something about the people we are voting for or against.

Could the 2020 Elections Be More Fair Than Previous Elections? Debate Exclusion

How many Democratic Party candidates for President of the United States of America are now complaining about being excluded from political candidate debates which are partly funded by PBS, which receives federal tax dollars, and therefore should not exclude any candidate from debates?

I want all Democratic Party candidates for President of the United States of America to sit up and pay attention because you know that PBS is constantly asking for viewer donations, and you know that PBS contributes to the manipulation of the criteria for debate participation, so ask yourselves, how many of their donations are from foreigners, and how much influence do the foreigners have in the manipulation of criteria for debate participation? Isn’t that foreign influence in our elections if that is what is going on, even if it is a small part?