Can’t Impeach-Prosecute Joe Biden For Illegally Continuing to Supply Bombs Dropped on Homes in Gaza

Biden has been guilty of breaking a U.S. law against providing U.S. weapons to a nation using them against a civilian population as Israel has been doing openly for five months.

“When the President of the United States becomes aware of the possibility of violations of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), the law mandates specific actions:

Prompt Notification to Congress: The President is required to promptly notify Congress about the potential violations.”

Officer Did Not Falsify Evidence

CORRECTION: The officer did not falsify evidence. To falsify evidence means to alter it after it is admitted into a court record. That’s really serious and worse than what happened. Here’s what happened.

The Brattleboro “health officer” came to our emergency homeless shelter February 7 2023. We had three RVs for free shelter. He had been told that there were no sewer connections to the RVs. See the video. at .

Awful Feeling! ‘Starving Palestinian Children Are Watching Me Eat Their Food ‘- Can’t Take It Anymore

Am feeling some slight pangs of hunger as I sit down to my dinner, and the thought automatically arises, ‘how could a starving person take the immeasurably more severe hunger pain caused by the strong contractions of the stomach when it’s empty,’and that makes me think of the poor desperately hungry children being starved in Gaza. Am still aware of the good taste of the food in my mouth but suddenly am not enjoying eating.

Awful Feeling! ‘Starving Palestinian Children Are Watching Me Eat Their Food ‘- Can’t Take It Anymore

Am feeling some slight pangs of hunger as I sit down to my dinner, and the thought automatically arises, ‘how could a starving person take the immeasurably more severe hunger pain caused by the strong contractions of the stomach when it’s empty,’ and that makes me think of the poor desperately hungry children being starved in Gaza. Am still aware of the good taste of the food in my mouth but suddenly am not enjoying eating.

I want to tell the children I feel are watching me eat, to go watch the sky for an American plane dropping meals to them, but I imagine the severely traumatised children (who have their eyes on the food on my plate), have had their homes, playgrounds and schools destroyed, many of their brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, uncles and aunts, teachers and playmates killed or horribly wounded, some crippled, by bombs dropped by American planes piloted by Israelis dropping American bombs on them day and night for as long as they can seem to remember. I sense they are still watching me and my (their) food.

(America has also been allowing its client state Israel to starve the citizens of Gaza by blocking food and water from entering into Gaza and U.S.A, has used its veto power to vote down demands of the UN Security Council for a ceasefire.)

Hegemonic Western Colonialist Media Journalists Are Accessories to Israeli Mass Murder of Children

Since October 7, journalists of hegemonic Western colonialist media have made themselves accessories after and then before the fact of crimes against humanity ordered by the Israeli government and committed by Israeli military in their continuous mass murderous bombing and air strikes demolishing homes and entire cities of Israel’s captive Palestinian population in Gaza – indiscriminately killing thousands of residents, 70% [1]of which are women and children. These journalists became accessories after the fact and then before the fact. How?     

“The ‘Reality’ Around Us Is Constructed By Liars “Journalists are War Criminals” Julian Assange Explains 

Albert Einstein argued that 

“private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands”, resulting in “an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organised political society”.

Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education).

It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.” [May 1949 edition of socialist magazine Monthly Review]

If Pres. Lula Quoted Martin Luther King “Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World is My Own Government,”

If, On Martin Luther King’s Birthday and U.S. National Holiday, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil could have quoted from King’s mainstream media covered up 1967 New York sermon ‘Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence,’ which condemned his government’s atrocity wars to protect predatory investments, he might have started by quoting what King said about Latin America.

If Xi-Jinping Reminded that Martin Luther King Called U.S.”Greatest Purveyor of Violence in World?”

If, during the three day Martin Luther King birthday holiday, a world attention getting source, for example, a high enough profiled Chinese government official, pointed out that the government of the United States of America was condemned as the most violent in the world by America’s own idol, this writer believes it would be a sensation, and a most difficult moment for the U.S. government and America’s wars supporting mainstream media which has for 57 years totally suppressed all mention of King’s condemnation of his government’s wars to protect predatory investments.

If Pres. Petro Quoted Martin Luther King “U.S. Helicopters Are Being Used Against Guerrillas in Colombia”

If, On Martin Luther King’s Birthday and U.S. National Holiday, President Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego of Columbia would quote from King’s mainstream media covered up 1967 New York sermon ‘Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence,’ which condemned his government’s atrocity wars to protect predatory investments, he might start by quoting what King said about his own country Columbia:

If Palestinians Quoted Martin Luther King “US is Greatest Purveyor of Violence in World?” 

On Rev. Martin Luther King’s Birthday Holiday, a Palestinian  spokesperson might well want to draw world public attention to King’s 1967 New York sermon ‘Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence’ [1] when Martin Luther King, today the only American celebrity with the distinction of a national weekend holiday to honour his birthday, made bold print headlines in newspapers across the world of King loudly denouncing his very own U.S. government..

If Maduro Quoted Martin Luther King Deploring “Suppression by U.S. Military “Advisors”in Venezuela”

If, On Martin Luther King’s Birthday and U.S. National Holiday, President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela would quote from King’s mainstream media’ long covered up 1967 New York sermon ‘Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence,’[1] which condemned his government’s atrocity wars to protect predatory investments, – he might start by quoting what King said about his own Venezuela:

If He Loses…?

Most people that I know feel old wounds opening as we move closer to the next presidential election. We are starting to experience that same level of anxiety and helplessness we felt when Trump won an election. We are hoping for the best outcome- that Trump gets his ass kicked and that he loses by 10 million votes as he did against Biden the first time.

But the world is a different place now and the complexity of issues surrounding the would-be dictator are mind-boggling. He could end up in jail, but that would not prevent him from taking a seat in the oval office. Most of the rhetoric and fear that is floating in the air has to do with the possibility of Trump winning the election. What might happen if he loses?

Opinions Decry Atrocities By One Side While Encouraging Them On The Other. How Helpful Is That?

At first I thought I would refrain from debate sparked by the atrocities of Oct. 7. I felt appalled that, from the safety of Vermont, warmed-over “party-line” polemics are being thrown around, which is of no benefit to Palestinians or Israelis whose survival is at risk.

But finally, driven by the increasing normalization of antisemitism and acceptance of Hamas as “freedom fighters” (even by some politically active Jews), I had to speak out.

Israel Hamas War Strategy

The Israel Hamas war has pushed both sides into unchartered territory. Most of what is happening violates not only rules of engagement but basic humanitarian principles. Israel has more firepower and they are using it in what appears to be a chaotic and indiscriminate way. In other words, if Israel has a battle plan it is hard to see what it is. To the rest of the world it looks like they are simply acting out of vengeance and killing as many Palestinians as possible.

I believe that Hamas could possibly be executing a well thought out battle plan that could have long-range implications for the Middle East while Israel seems to be developing plans on a day to day basis. Here is what I think Hamas could be doing.

The U.S. Congress “House Oversight Committee Is Investigating President Biden, But Who Is Investigating Them?

Who on the “House Oversight Committee”, in the United States Congress, is going to oversee the “money laundering” of most of the members of U.S.Congress? NO ONE!!!

(1) MARIJUANA, CANNABIS – KEEPING IT ILLEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW IS A VIOLATION OF SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE, Old Testament Holy Bible, Genesis 1, verse 29; so why are some members of U.S. Congress taking campaign donations from the government taxpayer funded private-for-profit PRISON corporations’ political action committees? Why is it “money laundering”? Our federal tax dollars pay for federal prisons and private-for-profit prisons, and they pay part of their profits to political action committees which put money into the re-election campaign accounts of elected officials who promise to keep marijuana cannabis illegal under federal laws.

International Law Is Meaningless

The two major wars being fought in the world make it clear that no matter what kind of rules governing warfare are in place, there is no way to enforce them. Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Hamas are running roughshod over civilian populations, defying basic humanitarian principles while the rest of the world can only use words to slow them down.

Genocidal Bombing Gaza Cities Into Rubble Indicts Israel’s U.S. Patron’s Corporate World Hegemony

Global corporate capitalism led by the hegemonic state, the United States, is a fundamentally immoral and irrational system. In capitalism, both states and corporations are designed to maximize short-term power and profits for the super-wealthy corporate elite. [1]

For two and a half months, Israeli military forces, with the full backing of the US government, have dropped more than 40,000 tons of explosives—the equivalent of more than two nuclear bombs—on Gaza destroying residential buildings, hospitals, schools and refugee camps and deliberately targeting hundreds of medical workers, journalists, teachers and other civilians for assassination. [2]

Does Calling For The Genocide Of Jews Violate Penn’s Code Of Conduct?

Questioned at a Congressional hearing, the President of the University of Pennsylvania will not say that calling for the genocide of Jews violates the University’s anti-bullying or harassment Code of Conduct. She says it is “context-dependent,” and only violates University’s rules “if the speech turns into conduct.”

The presidents of Harvard and MIT gave similar testimony.