Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – March 24, 2020 


• In furtherance of the Governor’s announcement yesterday that all businesses should implement work-from-home practices “to the maximum extent possible” and his suggestion that additional restrictions on people’s movement will be announced tomorrow, the Town has increased the number of employees who are telecommuting and is finalizing plans for full closure of certain non-emergency services and administrative functions. 
• The status of each separate area of Town government will be announced in detail if it does become necessary to fully close any functions or services. 

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status, March 23, 2020, 2:15pm 


• Town staff continues to be available for remote communications with the public during normal business hours. However, in keeping with increasingly restrictive social distancing requirements and advice from State Government and public health experts, fewer Town employees are reporting to their usual workplaces. It may become necessary for the Town to reduce the number of hours that non-emergency Town functions are “open” for communication with the public. If that does become necessary, we will explicitly identify the operating hours that will remain in effect. 

Information About Alternative Disinfectants and Hand Santizers

Because rubbing alcohol, disinfectant spray, and hand sanitizer are still difficult or impossible to find, here are two ideas:

1. Grain alcohol –  BE CAREFUL,   IT IS VERY FLAMMABLE!  and it’s not cheap ($19- $21), but these are unusual circumstances!

Everclear Vodka is 151 proof (75.5% alcohol) available at NH Liquor Stores. Here is link to the current supply on hand at each store, and what’s on order:

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status March 22, 2020 1:50pm

• Some residents have asked the Town to suspend the pay-as-you-throw program so that no onewould have to buy the yellow and purple bags until further notice. Our pay-as-you-throw systemis required for the Town to comply with a State-mandate to have “variable rate pricing” for garbagecollection and disposal (i.e. the more one throws away the more one pays). The Town has askedthe State if we can temporarily suspend the pay-as-you-throw system. We have not yet receivedthe State’s permission to do that.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status March 21, 2020 12:45pm


• REMINDER: A special Selectboard meeting will be held on Monday, March 23, at 5:30pm in theSelectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center. The Selectboard will appoint Ian Goodnow tothe seat that became vacant upon Dave Schoales’ resignation and will elect Selectboard officers.Please note that the Municipal Building will be open to the public on March 23 from 5:15pm until 15minutes after the special Selectboard meeting is adjourned.

Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – March 20, 2020 – 12:20 pm


A special Selectboard meeting will be held on Monday, March 23, at 5:30pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.  The Selectboard will appoint Ian Goodnow to the seat that became vacant upon Dave Schoales’ resignation and will elect Selectboard officers.  Please note that the Municipal Building will be open to the public on March 23 from 5:15pm until 15 minutes after the special Selectboard meeting is adjourned.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – March 19, 2020,  1:15pm 


• Selectboard member Dave Schoales has resigned so that Selectboard member-elect Ian Goodnow can be appointed. This will allow the composition of the Selectboard to change in the manner decided by the voters at the same time when that transition normally would take place. The Town’s Charter states that “newly elected Selectboard members’ terms shall begin on the first Monday following the final adjournment of the annual Representative Town Meeting.” Due to the postponement of this year’s Representative Town Meeting, the commencement of Ian Goodnow’s service would have been delayed indefinitely. Instead, a special Selectboard meeting will be held soon so that the continuing 4 Selectboard members can appoint Ian Goodnow to fill the vacancy created by Dave Schoales’ resignation. 

Brattleboro COVID-19 Update March 18, 2020


Due to the Governor’s order prohibiting gatherings of more than 50 people, the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) scheduled for March 21 has been canceled. It will be re-warned when it becomes legal and prudent to do so. The current plan is to re-warn RTM on April 7 and to hold RTM on May 9.

• The Selectboard voted last night to allow businesses who are repaying loans to the Town’s Small Business Assistance Program to defer their monthly payments until further notice.

• The Selectboard also voted last night that until further notice the Town will not shut-off water service to any customer as a result of that customer becoming delinquent on payment of water+sewer fees.

BDCC COVID-19 Invitation to Businesses for Weekly Webinars

Dear Business owners and employers, 
We understand that news is coming in fast as the circumstances around COVID-19 change. In order to make sure the region’s businesses have access to vital information necessary to navigate a turbulent economy, BDCC is making the most up-to-date information available on our website

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Cancellation

Due to the COVID-19 health concerns, and the guidance from Governor Scott to limit gatherings to 50 people, the Brattleboro Selectboard decided at the March 17 Selectboard meeting to cancel the March 21, 2020 Representative Town Meeting. The goal is to reschedule this meeting when it is safe to do so. The public will be informed when a new date is set.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – COVID-19, Skatepark To Be Built, RTM Postponed

selectboard mar 17 2020

The Brattleboro Selectboard held their regular meeting, but it was anything but “regular” Tuesday. Board members were absent. Those attending sat apart from one another (not quite 6 feet…). COVID-19 was influencing almost every article on the agenda. And Brattleboro’s Skatepark was approved to begin construction. 

The COVID-19 update and discussion was the main item. Groundworks got an additional grant to begin construction on their new building, the town finance report looks good up until last week but may show deficits before the fiscal year is over, and Representative Town Meeting is postponed.

Mitchell-Giddings Fine Arts Responds to COVID 19

Following advice and common sense, Mitchell-Giddings has made the difficult decision to temporarily close our doors until further notice even as we remain open online for purchases and gallery activities (or at 802-251-8290).

We gladly welcome scheduled gallery visits by appointment.

COVID-19 Temporary Free Parking in Brattleboro

As a precautionary measure the Town of Brattleboro will immediately suspend the collection of all parking fees and cease issuing parking fines until further notice. All meters and parking kiosks will message “Free Parking”. No further permits will be sold until paid parking is resumed. All previously issued citations must be paid by mail or online at The Parking Enforcement Office at 77 Flat Street is also closed until further notice. 

This measure is intended to be temporary and will be reviewed as COVID-19 conditions change. Once a decision to reinstate parking fines and fees is made, the public will be notified well in advance of the renewed enforcement activities. 

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status March 16, 2020, 4:30pm 

An Update to the Community from Brattleboro Town Manager Peter Elwell: 

The United States Government and the State of Vermont are operating under State of Emergency declarations issued by President Trump and Governor Scott related to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The Town of Brattleboro, as a subdivision of the State of Vermont, is taking emergency actions in accordance with Governor Scott’s declaration of a State of Emergency for all of Vermont. 

Fire Chief Mike Bucossi, who also is the Town’s Emergency Management Director, is in close ongoing communication with Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, Rescue Inc., and other emergency health service providers. Chief Bucossi and Town Manager Peter Elwell are in daily communication with the Vermont Department of Health and Vermont Emergency Management. Through this coordination, they are not only ensuring the preparedness of Brattleboro town government but also assisting in the preparedness of first responders throughout southeastern Vermont. All other members of the Town’s senior management team are maintaining similarly close contact with their colleagues in State government and others to ensure that the Town’s actions are taken in concert with similar actions to protect the public throughout Vermont and beyond. 


• All Town facilities will be closed to the public beginning Wednesday, March 18. 
• All Town departments will continue to be available to the public via telephone and email. 
• Some employees will work from home. Other employees will continue to report to work. 
• All regularly scheduled Town board, committee, and commission meetings are cancelled until further notice. 

Brattleboro Town Clerk’s Office Closing To Public

As a precaution, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brattleboro Town Clerk’s Office will be closed to the public effective Wednesday morning, March 18 and until further notice. The Town Clerk’s Office staff will remain available to assist you by phone and email.

Town Clerk’s Office hours remain the same, Monday-Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm.

How Are You Holding Up?

Strange times, eh? And such a quick, sudden shift for just about everything. Aside from whiplash, how are you holding up?

I find myself going back and forth between trying to continue some semblance of business as usual, and being in shock at how this is not business as usual at all.

Groundworks Responds to COVID-19 and Seeks Volunteers

In preparation—and following the guidance recommended for homeless shelters and programs—Groundworks has taken a number of preventive and precautionary steps in response to COVID-19.  Our goal is to protect our community’s most vulnerable neighbors by responding with an abundance of caution, while not contributing to feelings of panic or fear.

Groundworks is working closely with State partners to ensure a strong local response to keep our shelter guests safe.  Our staff at both shelters are engaging in additional cleaning and sanitizing protocols, and we have limited access to restrict any external guests at any of our program sites. 

VT Schools To Close

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott announced Sunday that all pre-K-12 schools in the state will close no later than Wednesday and remain closed until April 6, according to a news release from Scott’s office.

Students are not required to go to school Monday or Tuesday, if their parents or guardians would prefer to keep them home, Scott said.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Update  – March 14, 2020

The United States Government and the State of Vermont are operating under State of Emergency declarations issued by President Trump and Governor Scott related to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. While a separate local State of Emergency is not necessary in Brattleboro at this time, the Town of Brattleboro has implemented a variety of emergency actions and is planning to scale-up local emergency actions, if necessary. 

Fire Chief Mike Bucossi, who also is the Town’s Emergency Management Director, is in close ongoing communication with Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, Rescue Inc., and other emergency health service providers. Chief Bucossi and Town Manager Peter Elwell are in daily communication with the Vermont Department of Health and Vermont Emergency Management. Through this coordination, they are not only ensuring the preparedness of Brattleboro town government but also assisting in the preparedness of first responders throughout southeastern Vermont. All other members of the Town’s senior management team are maintaining similarly close contact with their colleagues in State government and others to ensure that the Town’s actions are taken in concert with similar actions to protect the public throughout Vermont and beyond. 

The following summary of the Town’s actions on this matter are separated into “Emergency Services,” “Non-Emergency and Administrative Support Services,” and “Representative Town Meeting and Other Meetings”: