Selectboard Meeting Notes – Refugees, and a New Police Chief is Sworn-In

The Brattleboro Selectboard returned from summer break to take up issues such as refugees and a new police chief. BDCC explained why they think the refugee program is a must, ECDC explained what their program was, and Brattleboro can look forward to up to 75 refugees a year and the anticipated financial and housing challenges, as well as the hoped-for benefits to the community and economy.

The board also swore-in new Police Chief Norma Hardy. The entire department showed up in support.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – August 3, 2021

The Brattleboro Selectboard returns from their summer break to take up issues of new people in the community. They will swear in our new Police Chief Norma Hardy in a welcoming ceremony. They’ll also hear a presentation about the possibility of welcoming refugees to the area.

The Solid Waste Fund’s final transfer from the General Fund occurs, liquor permits will be given out, water and sewer repairs will be considered, and committee members will be appointed. You can also bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Norma Hardy to Become Brattleboro Police Chief on July 28 

norma hardy

Norma Hardy will become Brattleboro’s next Police Chief on Wednesday, July 28, 2021. 

Hardy had a distinguished 26-year career with the Police Department of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. After 10 years of service as a Police Officer serving at a variety of Port Authority facilities, she was promoted to Construction Sergeant at the World Trade Center site in 2002, to Executive Officer at the World Trade Center site in 2006, to Police Captain and commanding officer at the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels in 2008, to Police Inspector and Northern Zone Commander in 2011, and to Chief of Port Authority Bridges, Tunnels, and New Jersey Airports in 2013.

She received numerous internal commendations and external awards during her career with the Port Authority, including the 2014 Officer of the Year Award from the International Association of Women Police and the 2016 Trailblazer Award from the National Organization of Black Women in Law Enforcement. Hardy attended the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York and also has completed advanced training in law enforcement leadership, personnel and finance administration, security assessment, and emergency response management. 

BCS Brooks Compromise On Police In Schools

Many people want police officers (SRO) removed from schools across Vermont, and there is state legislation pending about it. At last night’s (Tuesday March 16) meeting WSESU school directors heard public comments about the officer in the high school located in Brattleboro.

School administrations and other advocates cling to the SRO’s as high-power hall monitors and deterrents to school shooters and terrorists, while opponents like BCS and most notably Youth for Change, want students to feel safe and not intimidated at school. BCS is proposing a compromise: following the BCS S.A.F.E. policing disarmament plan the police could continue their SRO function without their pistols (or other non-lethal weapons).

Brattleboro Town Staff Response To Community Safety Review Recommendations

I’m attaching two PDF files here that are part of the upcoming Brattleboro Selectboard meeting.

The first is Town Manager Peter Elwell’s memo to the board regarding implementing the community safety recommendations. He gives some background information, acknowledges harm and a commitment to reckoning and collaboration, has some notes about the pace and timeframe of changes, accountability, and a bit about the way they annotated the recommendations.

The second is the list of the recommendations, now annotated by the Town with remarks. Of the 41 recommendations, 30 are marked with a “Yes” indicating that the Town can take unilateral action to accomplish the goal. Those marked “No” aren’t out of the question, but they are out of the Town’s direct control. State or federal changes would be required.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Safety Report Accepted, $12.5 Million for Water Treatment, Home Rule

Brattleboro Selectboard jan 19 2021

The Brattleboro Selectboard accepted the report of the Community Safety Review Committee with a unanimous 5-0 vote and sent the document to Town staff. Staff will annotate and organize the recommendations for the board, evaluating the legality and logistics for each recommendation.

The board also heard about plans for a new water treatment plant at a new estimated cost of $12.5 million. They approved of a charter change amendment to be put to voters on March 2. And they recommend to Town meeting representatives that the police training budget remain at $27,000 rather than be increased to $40,000.

Brattleboro Community Safety Review – Final Report

Here’s the Executive Summary from the Community Safety Review report, followed by a pdf of the full report. You can also download this and other related materials on the Town of Brattleboro website. This report will be reviewed and discussed at the next meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting – FY22 Budget – Police Policies and Procedures Review

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, November 24, 2020, using Zoom (with no physical location due to the ongoing social distancing requirements of COVID-19).  The Board will convene at 5:15pm and is expected to enter into executive session to discuss the negotiating or securing of real estate purchase or lease options and the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee, and to enter into deliberative session to deliberate on the Hinsdale Bridge takings and eminent domain matter involving the lands of Tullius on Left Bank Way.  The Board will reconvene at 6:15pm for the business portion of the meeting.  The attached agenda contains information about how to access the meeting remotely, including the required “passcode.”  Information about how to connect to the meeting is also posted on the homepage of the Town’s website.  ASL interpreters will be available for deaf and hard-of-hearing community members.

Selectboard Special Meeting Notes – Committee Interviews and Human Services Increases

Brattleboro Selectboard sept 22 2020

The Brattleboro Selectboard held a special meeting to accept the recommendation of Representative Town Meeting and increase the Human Services budget, giving every applying organization extra money.

They spent the bulk of the meeting interviewing prospective candidates for the Community Safety Review Committee, then voting on them. The Committee is now formed.

Selectboard Meeting Notes: Community Safety Review Facilitators Chosen, Committee Stipends Set

The Brattleboro Selectboard approved a proposal for a Community Safety Review facilitation team. They chose a local proposal, created a committee, and decided on how much to pay for stipends.

Other issues before the board involved the Department of Public Works, some grants, and gathering data on housing to aid town planning.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – September 14, 2020

Five proposals for community safety review facilitation have been received, twenty six applications to be on the committee are in hand, and the perhaps re-organized Brattleboro Selectboard will decide next steps at their next Tuesday meeting. Committee members will be interviewed and appointed at a special meeting.

Grants and bid awards are also on the agenda, as is the purchase of a new salt shed. You can add other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Citizen Communications Committee (CPCC) Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Citizen Communications Committee (CPCC) will meet on Monday, August 24, 2020 at 5:30pm via GoToMeeting (with no physical location due to the ongoing social distancing requirements of COVID-19).  The attached agenda contains information about how to access the meeting remotely.

Jan Anderson

Executive Secretary

Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – August 18, 2020

The revised Request for Proposals for a Facilitator of Community Safety Review will return to the board’s agenda at their next regular meeting. It has gone through a revision process by Town staff and should be ready for approval, but the possibility of a long discussion remains.

The board will consider revising the Agricultural Advisory Committee and talk about local and regional food planning, a new hazard mitigation plan committee might be formed, summer paving bids will be approved, and more. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during Public participation.

Submission of Community RFP Proposal for August 6 Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting

Good Morning –

Attached is the proposed RFP submitted by the community members for review at this Thursday’s Selectboard meeting.  This document has been posted in the section of the Town’s website where Selectboard meeting backup materials are posted.  Also posted there for easy reference are the related documents that the Selectboard has reviewed at its meetings on July 7 and July 21.

Please assist us in advising the public that these documents are all available for review in advance of the August 6 Selectboard meeting.