

The Stray Birds and Keith Murphy at Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery Thursday, March 14

Twilight Music presents Pennsylvania-based, acoustic folk trio The Stray Birds, plus traditional singer/multi-instrumentalist/songwriter Keith Murphy at Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery on Thursday, March 14 at 7:30 pm.

When The Stray Birds take the stage, the spotlight falls on three voices raised in harmony above the raw resonance of wood and strings. It is a sound drawn from the richness of American folk music traditions, spun with a stirring subtlety and grace. Maya de Vitry, Oliver Craven and Charles Muench’s performances speak to an uncompromising reverence for songs and their embrace of the experience of live music. Reveling in the energy of each room, a connection to the audience is the essence of their show. 

BMH Recognized for Excellence in Statewide Initiative

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital announced it has been awarded a $20,000 grant from the Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care, Inc. (VPQ) in recognition of efforts to develop a program that would reduce unnecessary hospital readmission. In addition, VPQ has cited BMH’s comprehensive program and will highlight the hospital’s work in the VPQ annual report this summer.

Sanders: Budget Cuts Hurting Vermonters

BURLINGTON, Vt., March 11 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a member of the Senate Budget Committee, held a news conference today to discuss the impact of federal budget cuts on Vermont.

Sanders was joined by Steve Geller, executive director of Southeastern Vermont Community Action, and Marianne Miller, Head Start director at Central Vermont Community Action Council. They spoke about the impact of across-the-board spending cuts that kicked in on March 1 and will total more than $1 trillion over the next decade, including $85 billion by this Sept. 30.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules – Week of 3/11/13

BCTV Channel 8 Schedule for the week of 3/11/13

                          Monday March 1

12:00 am        Community Medical School: Organ Transplants Pt.2

12:45 am        Vermont Right to Know GMO’s

2:00 am          FSTV Overnight

4:00 am          United Way of Windham County Grant Seeker Forum

5:30 am          Holistically Speaking: Episode #44

Gluten-Free Cafe in Brattleboro!

I had no idea until yesterday that there is a FULLY gluten-free cafe in Brattleboro!  Those of us who have to avoid gluten have been waiting for this for a long time.  As I understand it, the kitchen is a dedicated gluten-free facility, making it a safe choice for celiacs.

The cafe is Equilibrium on the corner of Elm and Elliot, right next to TJ Buckley’s.  When Turning Point moved out, I saw the building get painted, saw glimpses of merchandise through the window, and saw the sandwich board go out in front of the door announcing vegan offerings, bodywork, dance events, and yoga classes.

I admit, it looked like a place that wouldn’t meet my needs. 

I was wrong.

Tyrannosaurus Spenditall Rex


The Brattleboro Tyrannosaurus Spenditall Rex is descended from the order Artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates. Often times they are referred to by taxpayers as Ovis Aries. For many years they have had a deep and entrenched place in Brattleboro history as they live their lives leisurely gazing on the hillsides they can not afford to own counting other people’s money. As a species on the verge of fiscal extinction, Tyrannosaurus Spenditalls have minimal hearing and are very sensitive to noise when they are told to herd together and be quiet. They tend to be very docile but become excited when appropriating money they do not have. Their life expectancy varies, however, some Tyrannosaurus Spenditalls want older Tyrannosaurus Spenditalls to voluntarily check out early to free up more single payer health care funds for all of the precious young Tyrannosaurus Spenditalls in Vermont who are unemployable and beyond useless.

Peter Shumlin (D) for President 2016 or Rand Paul (R) for President 2016?

It’s  time for Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin (Democrat) and Rand Paul (Republican) to start facing off for the 2016 Presidential Race!

Both Rand Paul and Peter Shumlin have each spoken to some extent about marijuana legalization.

The problem is that the First Drone Strikes in the United States could  be from the United Nations attacking marijuana fields.

United Nations thinks it can stop Marijuana Legalization in the USA by the same means they use to control Afghanistan.

Brattleboro’s Town Baseball Team Getting Ready for 2013 Season, Seeks New Players

Even with a chill in the air and snow on the ground, members of the Brattleboro River Rats baseball team have been working out in preparation for the start of the Connecticut River Valley Baseball League Season next month. Brattleboro’s only adult baseball team is also looking for a few players to fill some open spots on the squad

River Garden – Request for Your Assistance

Please note that the following message and was sent to Representative Town Meeting Members today. If you are a Town Meeting Representative, please accept my apologies for seeing this message twice. If you concur that amending Article 21 to require continued operation of the River Garden while ownership issues are resolved with oversight from Town Meeting, please reach out to Town Meeting Members in your District.

What Did Dick DeGray Say On “The Radio”?

At Guilford Town Meeting someone referred to Mr. DeGray having commented on the Guilford Middle School issue “on the radio.”  Since I wanted to speak on the school issue I decided not to rise and ask the person for more info, because that would have counted as my “turn” to speak.  But I was wondering if anyone can tell me about that radio program (WTSA or WKVT I presume?)  

Do the stations have an archive of programs?  I’d like to review whatever comments Brattleboro’s Selectboard Chair made on that occasion.  I would guess it was an elaboration on his amenndment to the BUHS budget that passed at the district annual meeing on Feb. 12.

Brattleboro Committee Vacancies

Several Brattleboro committees are looking for volunteers to serve. Following are committees with vacancies:

  • Agricultural Advisory Board
  • Arts Committee
  • BASIC (Brattleboro Area Skatepark is Coming)
  • CPCC (Citizen Police Communications Committee)
  • Conservation Commission

Weekend Concert: The Sex Pistols at Winterland, San Francisco, 1978

Last weekend’s performance was the Who from 1970, when they were in the midst of a run of highly successful albums that included Tommy (’69), Who’s Next (’71) and Quadrophenia (’73).

By 1977, the year before this weekend’s concert takes place the Who’s formidable energies were tied up in legal wrangling over royalties.

Finally, one night in March of that year Pete Townsend, the group’s guitarist and principal song writer and in this instance, negotiator walked out of an 11 hour meeting with a seven figure check in his hand.

He headed to a bar called the Speakeasy where a couple of his protégés were playing (John Otway and Wild Willy Barrett). He got drunk on only two shots of whiskey.

Brattleboro Committee Meetings Scheduled

The Brattleboro Arts Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 4:00pm in the Hanna Cosman meeting room at the Municipal Center.

The Brattleboro Tree Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Hanna Cosman meeting room at the Municipal Center.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting – Police Fire Facility Project Manager

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 5:30pm at Academy School on Western Avenue in West Brattleboro in the gymnasium. It is anticipated that the Board will enter into executive session at 5:30pm and reconvene the public meeting thereafter.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

It’s A Mystery To Me

I grew up on a small farm not far from the western shore of the Chesapeake. Summers meant daily hard work, up before dawn and out long after dusk, until the mosquitoes mercifully carried us off the fields. There was little respite for working kids who lived on an organic subsistence long before we ever knew what the word organic meant.

Some leisure time, though, was to be had for me: down at the swimming hole, scampering after the ice cream truck, badminton nets on the grassy lawn, softball with the flirty girls and showoff boys, cookouts under the apple trees; laying on the still-warm grass gazing up at the carpet of stars that blanketed the night sky and using my imagination when my mind was not otherwise occupied with work and play.

Train the Brain to Retain: A Workout for Memory Enhancement

The Northeast Psychoneuroimmunology Institute for Healing presents “Train the Brain to Retain,” a 5-week pilot program bringing people together to improve their mental acuity. Beginning March 27th, for five consecutive Wednesday evenings from 7-9 pm in Brattleboro, participants will learn how to strengthen memory by using tools proven through neuro-science. Advances in neuroplasticity show us that the brain can actually increase its capacity to learn and remember.